Time: |
December 11, 2007 |
Lecturer: |
Robert Klöfkorn
Abteilung für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Freiburg |
Venue: |
Pfaffenwaldring 61, Raum U1.003 (MML), Universität Stuttgart
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Numerical simulation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM)Fuel Cells using a detailed fuel cell model is a challenging problem.The model under consideration consists of two-phase flow in the porouslayers of the fuel cell, transport mechanisms of species in the gaseousphase, as well as oxygen reduction reactions. Apart from a shortoverview of the governing equations and the presentation of numericalresults, the talk will focus on concepts of software design fornumerical applications with the underlying complex model and theirdifficulties. The governing system of equations is discretised by theLocal Discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method. The developed framework forthe implementation, DUNE-Fem, of this LDG method can cope withseveral space dimensions and several polynomial orders of the basisfunctions of the discrete function space. The Discontinuous Galerkinmethod is implemented independently from any grid structures by usingthe generic grid interface of the software package DUNE.