Time: |
December 14, 2010 |
Lecturer: |
Dipl.-Ing. Kai Häberle
Institut für Mechanik (Bauwesen), Universität Stuttgart |
Venue: |
Pfaffenwaldring 61, Raum U1.003 (MML), Universität Stuttgart
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The emission of CO2 into the atmosphere can be decreased by its storagein the subsurface. Besides other geological formations suitable forstorage, CO2 can be injected into deep saline aquifers, where its upwardmigration is blocked by an almost impermeable cap-rock layer.When the CO2 is sequestered under high pressure, deformations of the rock matrix and the cap-rock layer occur. This may lead on one hand to anincrease in porosity and permeability and thus, improve the storage capacity of the reservoir. On the other hand, the increase in stress results in solid deformations and may cause crack development. The latter could be even more relevant if phase transition from supercritical CO2 to gaseous CO2 occurs. This may happen when pressure or temperature changes within the reservoir. That generates a rise in reservoir pressure and thereby inflicts larger forces on the cap-rock layer. As a result, elastic or elasto-plastic behaviour of the solid matrix as well as crack initiation and propagation have to be considered along with the fluid motion within the porous medium.