2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress

2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress

April 4, 2022 /

The second IAHR Young Professionals Congress took place between November 30 and December 2, 2021.

The second IAHR Young Professionals Congress took place between November 30 and December 2, 2021.

The online event gathered young professionals and experts from several institutions and water-related fields. Beatriz Negreiros, who is a research associate of LWW Team since November 2, 2020, presented novel tools for detrending river DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) in the Ecohydraulics session. 

The second IAHR Young Professionals Congress had a broad spectrum of research topics, including Fluvial Hydraulics and Reservoir Sedimentation, and Climate Change Adaption, where Silke Wieprecht (IAHR Vice President) and Stefan Haun (Chair of the session Flood Risk Management) chaired the sessions.

Link for E-Proceedings: PDF

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