At the congress, the IWS participates with various contributions, which are presented by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Wieprecht (keynote lecture), Dr. sc. Sebastian Schwindt, M.Sc. Vahid Shoarinezhad, and Dipl.-Ing. Felix Beckers.
In addition, a special session on the topic "Reservoir sedimentation: processes and management strategies" will be held as a live-webinar on Thursday, 18th of February, from 11:45-13:05 consisting of “180s-talks”.
• Nils Rüther, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
• Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak, Electricité de France (EDF), France
• Giovanni De Cesare, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
• Felix Beckers, University of Stuttgart (UoS), Germany
Description of the Special Session:
Sedimentation reduces dam reservoir storage capacity and the benefits derived therefrom, such as flood and drought control, hydropower, water supply, irrigation, fish and wild life conservation, and recreation. In addition, the sediment imbalance throughout the water system caused by dams operated without sediment management facilities may lead to significant infrastructure and environmental damages both upstream and downstream of the reservoir. This special session provides a platform for contributions related to understanding sediment transport processes within reservoirs and developing effective strategies to counter sedimentation. Current research from laboratory, numerical, and field studies will be presented.
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