We are very happy that Professor Peter Knabner visits the University of Stuttgart from 4th October 2021 to 8th October 2021 and gives the following series of lectures within the SFB 1313 Summer School:
04.10.21, 15:30 -17:00pm: Mathematical Modeling of Mineral Precipitation/Dissolution Reactions in Porous Media
05.10.21, 9:00 -10:30am: Mathematical Modeling of Evolving Porous Media Driven by Surface Reactions
06.10.21, 9:00 -10:30am: The Best of Both Worlds: Micro-macro Models for Complex Porous Media Processes
The lectures take place in the Multimedialab (MML) of the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems. According to the present hygiene regulations of the University of Stuttgart, the number of attendees is limited.