Dr. Tobias Köppl successfully defended his habilitation at the University of Stuttgart on July 23, 2020. Congratulatons!!!
Tobias Köppl is an Applied Mathematician. He got his doctoral title at TU Munich in 2014. From 2014 to 2018 he was postdoc at the Department for Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems of the University of Stuttgart. Since 2019 he is Research Assistant at the Chair for Numerical Mathematics at TU Munich. Despite leaving the University of Stuttgart he is still a member of SFB 1313.
On 23rd July 2020 he successfully defended his habilitation entitled „Model reduction techniques for simulation complex flow processes“. In his thesis, Tobias Köppl presents different model-reduction techniques that allow an efficient description of flow processes without accuracy loss with respect to physical quantities that are interesting for a certain field of application.
The habilitation was a joint procedure of Faculty 2 of the University of Stuttgart and the Cluster of SC "Simtech".