On 1st November 2022, Hamza Oukili joined the Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems as scientific assistant. Hamza passed his PhD at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse INPT (France), where he was member of the Group of Expertise on Porous Media at the IMFT laboratory. His PhD-thesis was entitled "Flow and transport in complex porous media: particle methods".
Hamza Oukili will work on the SFB 1313-project "INF: Research Data Management and Research Software Engineering". In this framework he will collaborate with Bernd Flemisch, Guido Reina and Martin Schneider. The aim of the project is to increase the quality of the software as research output by improving the existing software development processes. Expanding automated testing and continuous integration, the team wants to assure and monitor this quality. Moreover, software interoperability and reusability shall be improved by either writing interfaces for smaller software projects to the well-established packages or integrating them there.
We are very much looking forward to the future collaboration with Hamza within LH2 and SFB 1313! Welcome to our team!