Martin Schneider, Post-Doc am Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung (IWS) und Mitglied von SimTech und des SFB 1313, erhält vom SimTech Industrial Consortium e.V. den mit 1000 Euro dotierten "The Best PhD Thesis 2018 Preis" für seine Dissertation "Nonlinear finite volume schemes for complex flow processes and challenging grids". Die feierliche Überreichung des Preises fand während der Mitgliederversammlung des IC SimTech am 6. Dezember 2019 statt, während derer er seine Doktorarbeit präsentierte. Martin Schneider war Doktorand in der Graduiertenschule "GS SimTech", die von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gefördert wird.
Abstract der Dissertation
Numerical simulations play a crucial role in a wide range of geotechnical engineering applications, thus, it is of great Numerical simulations play a crucial role in a wide range of geotechnical engineering applications, thus, it is of great importance that the schemes used to produce numerical results are reliable and robust. Additionally, efficient schemes are desirable due to the often very large spatial and temporal scales involved and the uncertain nature of the subsurface, which might require statistical analyses with a large number of model runs to be performed. Appropriate schemes have to be chosen application-dependent subject to the particular requirements. In this work, nonlinear finite-volume schemes are extensively examined, both theoretically and numerically, and compared to well-established linear schemes for several porous media test cases. Furthermore, an abstract discretization framework for elliptic equations, including the proof of convergence for nonlinear schemes, is presented.
Dissertation "Nonlinear finite volume schemes for complex flow processes and challenging grids"