Mathis Kelm ist akademischer Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung und Mitglied im SC SimTech. Am Freitag, den 8. April 2022 um 10.00 Uhr wird er seine Milestone-Präsentation mit dem Titel "Upscaling of Two-Phase PorousMedia Flow based on Fluid Morphology" halten.
Datum: Freitag, 8. April 2022
Zeit: 10.00 Uhr
Titel: "Upscaling of Two-Phase PorousMedia Flow based on Fluid Morphology"
Ort: online presentation >>> bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie bitte
Flow through porous media and particularly multi-phase flow is highly relevant in applications ranging from groundwater flow, oil recovery and CO 2 seuqestration to technical filters and biological tissue modeling. The multi-phase aspects have mostly been approached by modifications to Darcy’s law, rather than being derived through upscaling approaches from micro-scale models. The micro-scale here refers to the pore-scale, i.e. the scale at which the geometry and distribution of the porous matrix and the surrounding void-space is clearly defined and resolved. At this scale the fluid phases are also distinguished and interfaces, forces and interactions between them can be captured. It is necessary to capture the behaviour at this scale, as it has a significant impact on effective flow at the Darcy-/macro-scale. However, the relative impact of such behaviours is less clear. The aim of this doctoral study is to develop pore-scale models for different fluid morphologies, characterised based on experimental results, and by upscaling methods derive two-scale models specific to these characteristic flows.