Thermal In-situ-Remediation Principles for Contaminated Soils- Do Processes or Structures Prevail
November 8, 2005, 4:00 p.m. (CET)
November 8, 2005, 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Dr.-Ing. Arne Färber, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau, Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie und Geohydrologie
Pfaffenwaldring 61, Raum U1.003 (MML), Universität Stuttgart
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Thermal In-Situ remediation techniques are increasingly used to clean upsoils from contaminants. Compared to most other "enhanced" methods, theydispose of a significant advantage, improving their efficiencysubstantially: heat conduction helps to "crack down" the"diffusion-limit-problem", which acts in many practical cases as theunsurmountable barrier for ordinary in-situ methods. Thus these methodsmay help to save a lot of time (and money). Nevertheless the limits forthermal technologies are evident as well. The presentation will showthis by some experimental examples. Although the role of heterogeneousstructures is apparent and for thermal methods can sometimes beconsidered by very simple approaches in order to predict the clean-upprocess, yet a thorough and consistent analysis is difficult to obtaindue to the complex interaction between the various dominating processesand the structures involved. Thus the question in the title can beanswered according to Radio Eriwan.