Interface-driven processes occur in different applications, like in salinization at the interface soil/air, transport in fuel cells at the interface between porous layer and gas channels, in root systems in the soil with interfaces between vessel-like structures and porous media. It is similar in transport systems for therapeutic agents in the human body and many other fields. Very often, the problem is characterized by an interaction of free and porous-medium flow. The quantification of transfer fluxes of mass, momentum and energy is crucial for the above-mentioned applications. In the course of these processes, the flow dynamics in the porous domain and in the free flow exhibit a strong interdependency, which is often controlled by mechanisms at the common interface. This is key to an improved understanding and the development of appropriate models for applications like those mentioned above.
associated research projects
Title | Description |
SFB1313, C02: Upscaling of pore-scale processes involving microstructural evolution | Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2025 Departments: LH2 und IANS Leaders: Rainer Helmig, Christian Rohde, luliu Sorin Pop Funding: DFG |
TrinkXtrem: Adaptation strategies of public drinking water supply to extreme events | Duration: 02/2022 - 01/2025 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig, Holger Class Funding: BMBF |
SFB 1313, A02: Advanced modelling concepts for coupling free flow with porous-media flow | Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2025 Departments: LH2 and ITLR Leaders: Rainer Helmig, Bernhard Weigand Funding: DFG |
EXC 2075: Coupled flow, transport, and geochemical processes in fractures/fissures with a focus on geothermal and karstic systems | Duration: 10/2021 - 12/2024 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig, Holger Class, Bernd Flemisch Funding: DFG |
GRK 2160 Dropit: Upscaling of coupled free-flow and porous-media-flow processes | Duration: 10/2016 - 09/2025 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig, Carina Bringedal Funding: DFG |

Rainer Helmig
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. h.c.Emeritus