Model concepts for multi-component processes with phase transitions

Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems

Main research subject of Holger Class

A multitude of different applications is characterized by multi-component processes, where one or multiple fluid phases are composed of several components. Often, and for very different reasons, there are phase changes observed, e.g. due to evaporation and condensation, chemical and biological reaction processes, dissolution or precipitation. Phase change can occur from one fluid phase to another, but also between fluids and solids. Commonly, this is comes along with different kinds of interaction with the flow field: for example, when carbon dioxide dissolves into water it increases the water density and may trigger a convective flow, or when permeability and mechanical rock properties are altered due to a precipitation of calcite as a solid that re-shapes the pore space.

associated research projects

Title Description
AK-NERO: Working Group Nerochytic Speleogenesis Department: LH2
Leader: Holger Class
Experimental and numerical investigations on density-driven dissolution of CO2 and related carbonate dissolution in karst water Duration: 11/2022 - 10/2025
Department: LH2
Leader: Holger Class
Funding: DFG
TrinkXtrem: Adaptation strategies of public drinking water supply to extreme events Duration: 02/2022 - 01/2025
Department: LH2
Leader: Rainer Helmig, Holger Class
Funding: BMBF
DIETER: Digitization of mining structures using innovative sensor technology and artificial intelligence Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026
Department: LH2
Leader: Martin Schneider, Holger Class, Bernd Flemisch
Funding: BMBF
Transportberechnungen für die spezifische Freigabe Duration: 07/2023 - 05/2025
Department: LH2
Leader: Holger Class, Bernd Flemisch
Funding: GRS
EXC 2075: Coupled flow, transport, and geochemical processes in fractures/fissures with a focus on geothermal and karstic systems Duration: 10/2021 - 12/2024
Department: LH2
Leader: Rainer Helmig, Holger Class, Bernd Flemisch
Funding: DFG
EXC 2075, PN 1-5: Numerical simulations and process analysis of CO2 enrichment in the vadose zone and at the gas-water interface of karstic systems Duration: 09/2024 - 12/2025
Department: LH2
Leader: Holger Class
Funding: DFG
SFB 1313, C04: Pore-scale and REV-scale approaches to biological and chemical pore-space alteration in porous media Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2025
Department: LH2
Leader: Holger Class
Funding: DFG
GAS-REACT: GAS interchange and REACTive processes in coupled subsurface/atmosphere systems (HE 9610)) Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026
Department: LH2
Leader: Holger Class
Funding: DFG


This image shows Holger Class

Holger Class

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Akademischer Oberrat, Deputy Head of the Department

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