Offered BSc./MSc. theses
The LWW offers many bachelor and master theses for the study programs Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and WAREM. The following list provides some exciting topics for theses. In addition, we also offer theses on interdisciplinary research questions.
Many of the topics with a German title can also be written in English. Please contact the person in charge.
- Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Talsperrenbau
supervised by Jasper Jürgensen - Approaches to assessing four-dimensional (4d) river connectivity
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt and Beatriz Negreiros - Development of a Python application for Modeling Hydraulic Systems
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt, Andres Heredia Hidalgo and Beatriz Negreiros - From picture to depth-explicit grain size characteristics
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt and Beatriz Negreiros - Kopplung von Fluid und Struktur zur Simulation der Wärmeabfuhr in bauteilaktivierten Platten mit integrierten Wärmerohren
supervised by Jasper Jürgensen - Mesh optimization for OpenFOAM
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt and Federica Scolari - Meta-analysis of geomorphological river patterns
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt - Numerical modeling of turbulence around a cylinder in 2d and pseudo-3d
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt, Federica Scolari and Andres Heredia Hidalgo - Spezielle Aspekte der Talsperrenmodellierung mithilfe der Finite-ElementeMethode
supervised by Jasper Jürgensen - Three-dimensional (3d) hydrodynamic simulation optimization of a fishpass with TELEMAC
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt, Federica Scolari and Andres Heredia Hidalgo - Three-dimensional (3d) simulation of turbulence in open channel flows and nature-based solutions
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt and Andres Heredia Hidalgo - Two-dimensional (2d) hydro-morphodynamic numerical modeling of a fish bypass
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt and Federica Scolari - Three-dimensional (3d) hydrodynamic simulation optimization of a fishpass
supervised by Sebastian Schwindt and Federica Scolari
Offered courses
Winter semester:
- Advanced Studies in Hydraulic Structures
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht, Kristina Terheiden and Jasper Jürgensen
More information: Module | Lecture - Computer Applications in Water Resources Management
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden
More information: Module | Lecture - Einführung Erneuerbare Energien
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht
More information: Module | Lecture - Hydraulic Gates
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden
More information: Module | Lecture - Hydraulisch-sedimentologische Messungen
Lecturer: Stefan Haun and Ingo Schnauder
More information: Module | Lecture - Hydraulisch-sedimentologische Modellierung
Lecturer: Sebastian Schwindt and Andres Heredia Hidalgo
More information: Module | Lecture - Python programming for Water Resources Engineering and Research
Lecturer: Sebastian Schwindt
More information: Module | Lecture - Structural Design, Restoration and Monitoring of Dams
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden, Jasper Jürgensen and Eksa Bagas Prasasti
More information: Module | Lecture - Wasserbau an Flüssen und Kanälen
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht
More information: Module | Lecture | Exercise - Wasserbau und Wasserkraft
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht and Beatriz Negreiros
More information: Module | Lecture | Exercise - Water Management and Irrigation Facilities
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden
More information: Module | Lecture
Summer semester:
- Bauwerke zur Wasser- und Energienutzung
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht, Kristina Terheiden, Jasper Jürgensen and Eksa Bagas Prasasti
More information: Module - Case Study in Hydraulic Structures
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht, Kristina Terheiden, Jasper Jürgensen and Eksa Bagas Prasasti
More information: Module - Einführung in das Bauingenieurwesen – Teil Wasserwirtschaft
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden
More information: Module - Fließgewässerökologie in der Ingenieurpraxis
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht and Martin Schletterer
More information: Module - Gewässerkunde / Gewässernutzung
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht and Jasper Jürgensen
More information: Module - Integrated Flood Protection Measures
Lecturer: Sebastian Schwindt
More information: Module - Literaturstudie "Biochemische Adhäsion und Wechselwirkungen im kohäsiven Material (Literatur, Schriften, Vorträge)"
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht
More information: Module - Literaturstudie "Rechnergestützte Analyse des Tragverhaltens, der Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Wasserbauwerken"
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden
More information: Module - Literaturstudie "Sedimentologische Prozesse"
Lecturer: Stefan Haun
More information: Module - River Engineering and sediment management
Lecturer: Stefan Haun
More information: Module - Umweltbedingte Alterungsprozesse in und an Wasserbauten
Lecturer: Kristina Terheiden
More information: Module - Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung im Wasserbau
Lecturer: Silke Wieprecht and Teresa Schnellbach
More information: Module - Wasserwirtschaft
Lecturer: Sebastian Schwindt
More information: Module