General Information
The courses deal with the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, the modelling of hydrosystems, the description of exchange and transport processes in flows; more advanced lectures present the theory and numerics of flow and transport in porous media. In addition to the lectures, which are held in German as well as, to a large extent, in English, various seminars are organised in co-operation with other faculties, e.g. as part of SRC SimTech. In addition, the department aims to attract students from other disciplines such as mathematics, computer sciences or process engineering.
Sommer semester:
- Ausbreitungs- und Transportprozesse in Strömungen
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Maartje Boon
More Information: Modul - Environmental Fluid Mechanics II
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Maartje Boon
More Information: Modul
- Modeling of Hydrosystems
Supervisor: Dr. -Ing. Felix Weinhardt
More Information: Modul - Sustainable development of simulation software
Supervisor: Dr. -Ing. Dennis Gläser
More Information: Modul - Multiscale models, methods and numerics
Supervisor: Ph.D. Tufan Ghosh
More Information: Modul
Winter semester:
- Numerische Methoden der Fluidmechanik
Supervisor: Mathis Kelm (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul - C++-Kurs für SimTech
Supervisor: Ivan Buntic (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul - Environmental Fluid Mechanics I
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Johannes Hommel
Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergey Oladyshkin
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Simon Kleinknecht
More Information: Modul - Fluidmechanik II
Supervisor: Tim Jupe (M.Sc.)
Supervisor: Yue Wang (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul
- Grundwassererschließung und Grundwasserschutz
Supervisor: Tim Jupe (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul - Mehrphasenmodellierung in porösen Medien
Supervisor: Stefanie Kiemle (M.Sc.)
Supervisor: Kerem Bozkurt (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul - Modelling Surface Water Systems
Supervisor: Maziar Veyskarami (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul - Multiphase Modeling in Porous Media
Betreuerin: Stefanie Kiemle (M.Sc.)
Supervisor: Kerem Bozkurt (M.Sc.)
More Information: Modul - Data-integrated Simulation Science A
Supervisor: Dr. -Ing. Martin Schneider
More Information: Modul
- Modeling and Analysis of Coupled Systems
Supervisor: Ph.D. Tufan Ghosh
Mehr Information: Modul
Short Courses/Seminars
- Dumux Course
More information on Dumux website - Interpore-Short Course "Porous Media Free Flow Coupling"
Date: 14.11.2022-12.12.2022
Lecturer: Prof. Rainer Helmig - Interpore-Short Course "Transport of Viruses and colloids in variably-saturated porous media"
Date: 21.09.2021, 24,09.2021
Lecturer: Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh - Interpore-Short Course "Porous Media Free Flow Coupling"
Date: 08.11.2021 - 11.11.2021
Lecturer: Prof. Rainer Helmig
Bachelor / Master's theses
Dear students,
Thank you for your interest in carrying out a student assignment at our department.
Below, you can find the list of exciting topics with corresponding contact people.
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Thermal Diffusion in Hydrophilic Gas Diffusion Layers in PEM Fuel Cells
Further Information
Supervisor: Kerem Bozkurt (M.Sc.)
- Experimental and/or numerical investigations on microbially induced calcite precipitation and biofilm in microfluidic porous media
Weitere Informationen
Betreuer: Kerem Bozkurt (M.Sc.), Dr. Felix Weinhardt - Applied simulations of reactive transport in porous media, in particular induced calcite precipitation (ICP), and the associated changes in the medium's properties using existing models.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Johannes Hommel - Comparing simulation results to experimental data or modeling investigations to asses different possible, realistic application scenarios of ICP. Limited experimental investigations of ICP.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Johannes Hommel - Free flow and porous medium flow coupling.
Supervisor: Edward Coltman (M.Sc.)
Supervisor: Anna Mareike Kostelecky (M.Sc.) - Non-isothermal processes in porous media systems considering local thermal non-equilibrium effects
Supervisor: Anna Mareike Kostelecky (M.Sc.) - Soil-water evaporation simulation.
Supervisor: Edward Coltman (M.Sc.) - Turbulence modelling.
Supervisor: Edward Coltman (M.Sc.) - Experimental and/or (as prefered) numerical investigations of vertical carbon dioxide migration as it dissolves from cave air into water columns.
Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Class - CO2 sources and sinks in soils and CO2 fluxes in the vadose zone: a modelling study towards assessing their potential role for carbon budget models.
Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Class - Realisation of a general advection-diffusion model in DuMuX.
Supervisor: Dr. -Ing. Martin Schneider - Mixed-dimension coupling methods with distributed sources for two-phase flow problems in porous media.
Supervisor: Hanchuan Wu (M.Sc.) - Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow through Porous Media.
Supervisor: Tufan Ghosh (PhD) - Salt precipitation in porous media: bridging scales from pore scale to REV scale More information
Supervisor: Theresa Schollenberger (M.Sc.)
Supervisor: Stefanie Kiemle (M.Sc.) - Impact of fluid and porous medium properties on the infiltration of liquid Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) into a porous tablet
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Maziar Veyskarami - Modelling gas (methane) migration from pipeline leaks using coupled free-flow porous medium models
Supervisor: Stefanie Kiemle (M.Sc.)
- Applying machine learning techniques for modeling gas storage in porous media
Supervisor: Ivan Buntic (M.Sc.)
Supervisor: Dr. Hamza Oukili - Calibration of numerical groundwater models
Supervisor: Tim Jupe (M.Sc.)
Please contact our colleagues directly if you are interested in a student assignment or send an e-mail to Holger Class or Rainer Helmig.
Der Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodelierung pflegt im Rahmen des Erasmus-Austausch-Programms die Kontakte zu folgenden Partneruniversitäten:
Universiteit Utrecht,Niederlande
Universitetet i Bergen, Norwegen
Politechnika Gdanska, Polen
Politecnico di Torino
Fachspezifische Beratungsgespräche werden von Herrn Mathis Kelm nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung und einer Erstberatung von Seiten des IZ durchgeführt.
Kontakt internationales Zentrum (institutional coordinator):
Pfaffenwaldring 60
Webseite: Informationsseite der Auslandsstudienberatung
Termin nur nach Vereinbarung!
Kontakt Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung (departmental coordinator)
Mathis Kelm (M.Sc.)
Termin nur nach Vereinbarung!
The Ferienakademie was founded in 1994 by Prof. F.L. Bauer from TU Munich. In 1985, the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg became the second organising university. The University of Stuttgart followed in 2002. Since 2005, the Ferienakademie has been directed by Prof. H.-J. Bungartz from TU Munich.
Donations from companies and the sponsoring associations of the three organising universities as well as own funds make it possible to hold the Ferienakademie in the Sarntal Valley in South Tyrol. It is intended to motivate and support talented and interested students from the three organising universities.
Office hour
General questions concerning exams/education: by appointment only
Leon Keim
M. Sc.Academic Staff
Anna Mareike Kostelecky
M. Sc.Academic Staff
Johannes Hommel
Dr.-Ing.Academic Staff