How to reach the Department for Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems

The department can be easily reached by public transport and by car.

IWS, Pfaffenwaldring 61

How to get there

Take the S-Bahn (local train) S1, S2 or S3 in the direction Herrenberg, Flughafen/Airport, Vaihingen or Filderstadt and get out at the 4th stop, Universität (Vaihingen). This takes about 10 minutes. (Please buy your ticket before boarding the train and stamp it in case you buy a 4-trip-ticket.)

Information for public transport

Take the S-Bahn (local train) S2 or S3 in the direction of the main station (Hauptbahnhof) and get out at the 7th stop, Universität (Vaihingen). This takes about 15 minutes. (Please buy and stamp your ticket before boarding the train.)

Information for public transport

From the exit marked "Universitätszentrum", follow the signs to "Mensa" and "Studentenwohnheime" down to the road (Pfaffenwaldring), turn left and walk along for about 100 metres until you reach a blue-and-white sign on your left for "Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung / VEGAS". Go up the steps and take the "bamboo path" to the main entrance.

From the exit marked "Universitätsbereich Nobelstrasse", follow the sign to "Wasserbau", walk straight on across the car park, turn left up the steps at the end and take the "bamboo path" to the main entrance.

At the junction Stuttgart-Vaihingen, follow the road A831 to Stuttgart, take the second exit "Universität", see the roadmap and the plan of the campus.


This image shows Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystem-modellierung

Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystem-modellierung



Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart

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