Pfaffenwaldring 61
70569 Stuttgart
Room: U1.953
Office Hours
By appointment only.
Multiscale Model, Methods and Numerics (MMMN)
Academic Grades
2012: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Honours), University of Calcutta (India)
2015: Master of Science in Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India)
2020: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India)
Academic Career
Since April 2020: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- 2015: Institute Research Fellowship, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
- 2013: Merit Scholarship of Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. Program, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
(Journal-) Articles
- Ghosh, T., Gujjala, Y. K., Deb, D., & Raja Sekhar, G. P. (2022). Numerical investigation of spontaneous imbibition in an anisotropic reservoir. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(3), Article 3.
- Ghosh, T., Bringedal, C., Helmig, R., & Sekhar, G. P. R. (2020). Upscaled equations for two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media: Varying permeability and porosity. Advances in Water Resources, 145, 103716.
- Ghosh, T., & Raja Sekhar, G. P. (2020). A note on Mellin-Fourier integral transform technique to solve Stokes’ problem analogue to flow through a composite layer of free flow and porous medium. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 483.
- Ghosh, T., Deb, D., & Raja Sekhar, G. P. (2020). Non-classical flow modeling of spontaneous imbibition in spatially heterogeneous reservoirs. Computational Geosciences, 24.
- Ghosh, T., Raja Sekhar, G. P., & Deb, D. (2019). Mathematical modeling of co-current spontaneous imbibition in heterogeneous porous medium. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 76.
- Ghosh, T., Raja Sekhar, G. P., & Deb, D. (2019). Modeling of Co-current Spontaneous Imbibition Oil Recovery from Partially Covered Homogeneous Hydrocarbon Reservoir. Transport in Porous Media, 130(3), Article 3.
- Ghosh, T., & Bringedal, C. (2022). A phase-field approach to model evaporation in porous media: Upscaling from pore to Darcy scale. In 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore 2022), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & Online, May 30 - June 2, 2022.
- T. Ghosh and C. Bringedal, “Upscaling of a Phase-field Model for Evaporation in Porous Media,” Jun. 2022. [Online]. Available:
- T. Ghosh, C. Bringedal, R. Helmig, and G. P. Raja Sekhar, “Upscaled equations for two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media,” Sep. 2020.
- T. Ghosh, C. Bringedal, R. Helmig, and G. P. Raja Sekhar, “Two-phase flow through highly heterogeneous porous media: Modelling and upscaling,” Oct. 2020.
- T. Ghosh, G. P. Raja Sekhar, and D. Deb, “Mathematical Modelling of Water-flooding Techniques in Heterogeneous Hydrocarbon Reservoirs,” Jul. 2018.
- T. Ghosh, Y. K. Gujjala, D. Deb, and G. P. Raja Sekhar, “Novel Reservoir Quality Index and Its Impact on the Recovery Rate,” Jun. 2021. [Online]. Available:
Current research projects
SFB 1313, A05: Pore scale formulations for evaporation, and upscaling to REV scale
Duration: 07/2019 - 12/2025
Department: LH2
Leaders: Rainer Helmig, Christian Rohde
Funding: DFG