This image shows Tufan Ghosh

Tufan Ghosh


Academic Staff
Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems
Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems


Pfaffenwaldring 61
70569 Stuttgart
Room: U1.953

Office Hours

By appointment only.

Multiscale Model, Methods and Numerics (MMMN)

Academic Grades

2012: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Honours), University of Calcutta (India)
2015: Master of Science in Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India)
2020: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India)

Academic Career

Since April 2020: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of Stuttgart (Germany)

  • 2015: Institute Research Fellowship, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
  • 2013: Merit Scholarship of Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. Program, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India


  1. (Journal-) Articles

    1. Ghosh, T., Gujjala, Y. K., Deb, D., & Raja Sekhar, G. P. (2022). Numerical investigation of spontaneous imbibition in an anisotropic reservoir. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(3), Article 3.
    2. Ghosh, T., Bringedal, C., Helmig, R., & Sekhar, G. P. R. (2020). Upscaled equations for two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media: Varying permeability and porosity. Advances in Water Resources, 145, 103716.
    3. Ghosh, T., & Raja Sekhar, G. P. (2020). A note on Mellin-Fourier integral transform technique to solve Stokes’ problem analogue to flow through a composite layer of free flow and porous medium. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 483.
    4. Ghosh, T., Deb, D., & Raja Sekhar, G. P. (2020). Non-classical flow modeling of spontaneous imbibition in spatially heterogeneous reservoirs. Computational Geosciences, 24.
    5. Ghosh, T., Raja Sekhar, G. P., & Deb, D. (2019). Mathematical modeling of co-current spontaneous imbibition in heterogeneous porous medium. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 76.
    6. Ghosh, T., Raja Sekhar, G. P., & Deb, D. (2019). Modeling of Co-current Spontaneous Imbibition Oil Recovery from Partially Covered Homogeneous Hydrocarbon Reservoir. Transport in Porous Media, 130(3), Article 3.
  2. Other

    1. Ghosh, T., & Bringedal, C. (2022). A phase-field approach to model evaporation in porous media: Upscaling from pore to Darcy scale. In 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore 2022), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & Online, May 30 - June 2, 2022.


  1. T. Ghosh and C. Bringedal, “Upscaling of a Phase-field Model for Evaporation in Porous Media,” Jun. 2022. [Online]. Available:
  2. T. Ghosh, C. Bringedal, R. Helmig, and G. P. Raja Sekhar, “Upscaled equations for two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media,” Sep. 2020.
  3. T. Ghosh, C. Bringedal, R. Helmig, and G. P. Raja Sekhar, “Two-phase flow through highly heterogeneous porous media: Modelling and upscaling,” Oct. 2020.
  4. T. Ghosh, G. P. Raja Sekhar, and D. Deb, “Mathematical Modelling of Water-flooding Techniques in Heterogeneous Hydrocarbon Reservoirs,” Jul. 2018.


  1. 2021

    1. T. Ghosh, Y. K. Gujjala, D. Deb, and G. P. Raja Sekhar, “Novel Reservoir Quality Index and Its Impact on the Recovery Rate,” Jun. 2021. [Online]. Available:

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