LWW Participation at the 40th IAHR World Congress in Vienna
The 40th IAHR World Congress (Rivers - connecting mountains and coasts) took place from August 21st to 25th, 2023, in Vienna, Austria, and counted more than 1300 researchers and professionals from all over the globe. The IWS (LWW) made a series of contributions in a wide range of sessions:
- Stefan Haun – Session “Sediment management in reservoirs and river basins” (Presentation: “Hydro-morphodynamic models as a basis for planning field measurements”)
- Kilian Mouris – Session “Sediment management in reservoirs and river basins” (Presentation: “A novel model chain predicts reservoir sedimentation considering hydro-climatic changes”)
- Beatriz Negreiros – Session “Hydroinformatics, machine learning and artificial intelligence” (Presentations: “A database application framework for river ecosystem analysis”, “Substrate sediment analysis with a web application”)
- Maria Ponce Guzman – Session “Plastics and emerging contaminants in waterbodies” (Presentation: “Identification of microplastics in sediments by using machine learning models”)
- Sebastian Schwindt – Session “Ecohydraulics in rivers and coasts including hydropeaking” (Presentation: “Fieldwork methods for quantification of multidimensional hydrological connectivity”)
- Federica Scolari – Session “Hybrid modelling and scale influence” (Presentation: “Hybrid physical-numerical optimization of a technical fish pass”)
- Kaan Koca – Poster Session (Presentation: “PIV measurements of turbulent open-channel flow over/inside a permeable bed“)
The cherry on the icing of IWS presence was Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Wieprecht receiving the IAHR Fellow membership distinction (https://www.iahr.org/index/detail/794). This IAHR Fellow award recognizes long-standing members with outstanding contributions to hydro-environment engineering and research.
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