Hochwasserrückhaltebecken Klosterhof

Erweiterte hydraulisch-numerische Untersuchung unterstrom des Hochwasserrückhaltebeckens Klosterhof K2

Duration: 2016.12.01 to 2017.10.31
Department: LWW

Erweiterte hydraulisch-numerische Untersuchung unterstrom des Hochwasserrückhaltebeckens Klosterhof K2


To protect the district of Lustnau, Tübingen, against flooding, a flood retention basin was built to temporarily store high runoffs from the Goldersbach creek. The flood retention basin was built in the Goldersbach with a regulating structure including a fish bellied flap. In case that the discharge in the Goldersbach creek exceeds 55 m³/s the excess volume is spilled into the planned retention area "Klosterhof K2".
In a study carried out previously by the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems the functionality of the flood protection concept was assessed. The calculations and simulations were carried out using a hybrid modeling approach, consisting of hydrodynamic-numerical simulations for mapping the flooding areas as well as a physical model for simulating the detailed processes of the dam overflow.
Within the present study, the existing 2D numerical model will be extended by 500 m downstream to simulate the effects of selected flood events (HQ50, HQ100 and an HQextreme) on this area and to carry out a subsequent risk analysis. The numerical model has a length of approx. 1,800 m and a width of approx. 500 m.

This is a follow-up project to: Hydraulische Untersuchungen für das Hochwasserrückhaltebecken amGoldersbach zum Hochwasserschutz des Ortsteils Lustnau
- Numerische Simulation und Physikalischer Modellversuch -

Project manager
Research assistants

Margot Patricia Doucet


From: 2016.12.01

To: 2017.10.31


Universitätsstadt Tübingen, Fachbereich Tiefbau



Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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