- Abstract
The quantification of possible climate change effects on hydrological systems is of great scientific and practical importance. Even recent advances in regional climate modeling do not allow a direct use of their output for detailed modeling of hydrological and hydrodynamical systems. The reasons for this are the high spatial and temporal resolution of the required data, and due to the non-linearity of the systems the probability density functions have to be well represented - not just means (and variances). In the framework of the suggested research a new downscaling model for wind speed an direction will be developed. This model will then be used in combination with precipitation and temperature downscaling models to obtain input fields for the hydrodynamical modeling of the lake Constance and the hydrological modeling of a mezoscale catchment
This is a follow-up project to: BodenseeOnline - Project manager
Bárdossy, András
- Deputy
- Research assistants
Schlabing, Dirk
- Department
- Duration
From: 2008-10-01
To: 2011-10-01
> - Finances
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Cooperation partners
Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Kobus und Partner GmbH (kup)Limnologisches Institut, Universität Konstanz (ILK)Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasserwerke Bodensee-Rhein (AWBR)