Generation of simultaneous synthetic precipitation series with high temporal and spatial resolution for Baden-Wuerttemberg

Duration: 2004-07-01 to 2007-06-30
Department: LHG

Generation of simultaneous synthetic precipitation series with high temporal and spatial resolution for Baden-Wuerttemberg


The main purpose of this project is the development of a method to generate precipitation time series for neighbouring areas, which are realistic as single series and have a close spatial interrelation. This method will be implemented in a software, which will be transferred to the Landesanstalt fuer Umweltschutz (LfU). The LfU will provide practitioners and companies working in hydraulic engineering with the results of the program. In this way the software is immediately used in the field. The user will determine stations within a catchment. The program will generate precipitation time series for these stations. They can be used e. g. in environmental or sanitary engineering for the design of sewage networks or for the calculation of a retention volume needed in flood protection.

To solve this problem it is planned to set up a model for Baden-Wuerttemberg, that is capable of calculating the areal precipitation for a given catchment from several generated independent precipitation points. The model needs to handle and balance the data measured at different gauging stations during rainfall events within the calculation process. The innovation of this method is the combination and the parallel calculation of the simultaneous synthetic generated neighbouring stations.

To consider local and short-time interrelations traditionally measured precipitation series are not suitable due to the large distance between the different gauging stations. Radar measurements do not yet provide reliable precipitation time series, but the measured data can be used to determine the local variability of the rainfall. Using the results of both measurement methods local precipitation time series can be generated in a much higher quality than before. The implemented model will provide precipitation time series in a high spatial and temporal resolution for any catchment in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The application in the various fields of water management will lead to more effective and in this way better designs of hydraulic schemes.

Project manager

Bárdossy, András


Research assistants

Brommundt, Jürgen




From: 2004-07-01

To: 2007-06-30


BWPlus - Baden-Württemberg Programm Lebensgrundlage Umwelt und ihre Sicherung

Cooperation partners

LfU, Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg

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