- Abstract
The aim of the NAPASAN project is to further develop the manufacturing processes of nanoparticles (iron and non-iron materials). The particles must be modified to allow transport in the soil zone and to ensure contact with the pollutants and therefore making their degradation possible. Parallel to this, a risk assessment of the application of these nanoparticles will be carried out and their safe use for the restoration success will be shown.
- Project manager
Braun, Jürgen
- Deputy
- Research assistants
Matheis, André
Schobeß, Michael - Department
- Duration
From: 2010-05-01
To: 2013-10-31
- Finances
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Cooperation partners
Institut für Wasserbau - VEGAS, Universität Stuttgart
Hermes Messtechnik, Stuttgart
Institut für Technischen Umweltschutz (ITU), Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Geowissenschaften - Angewandte Geologie, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU)
DECHEMA e.V., Karl-Winnacker-Institut (KWI), Frankfurt am Main
DVGW, Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW) - Umweltbiotechnologie und Altlasten, Karlsruhe
Institut für Umweltforschung - Ökosystemanalyse, RWTH Aachen
Institut für Theorie der Elektrotechnik (ITE), Universität Stuttgart
UVR-FIA GmbH - Verfahrensentwicklung-Umweltschutztechnik-Recycling, Freiberg
geo-log GmbH, Braunschweig
IBL - Umwelt- und Biotechnik GmbH, Heidelberg