- Abstract
The project "RIVERTWIN" aims in adjusting, testing and implementing an integrated regional model for the strategic planning of water resources management in twinned river basins under contrasting ecological, social and economic conditions. The regional model will take into account the impacts of demographic trends, economic and technological development, the effects of global climate and land use changes on the availability and quality of water bodies in humid temperate, subhumid tropical as well as semiarid regions.
The existing integration framework will be first tested in a European river basin with high data availability and data density. The transferability of the model to other regions with different economic level, ecological standards and with low data availability will be jointly tested by the project team and river basin organisations in two river basins in Westafrica and Uzbekistan. Here, the problem of adequate human resources and the uncertainties of input data for the implementation of computer based decision suppport tools will be addressed.
Capacity building through training of end users supports the transfer of the research results into application. In cooperation with stakeholders and potential users integrated scenarios of economic growth, land use and climate change will be developed and the model will be used to assess the implications for water management under the respective scenario assumptions. The twinning of river basins will promote mutual transfer of knowhow and technology between European and Third countries. Based on the results, river basin management plans can be prepared. Through its holistic basin wide approach, the project contributes to the EU water directive, the Millennium Goals defined by the WSSD and the EU water initiative for Africa and Newly Independent States. - Project manager
Bárdossy, András
- Deputy
- Research assistants
Götzinger, Jens
Yang, Wei - Department
- Duration
From: 2004-03-01
To: 2007-02-28
- Finances
EC DG Research Dep. 3 Environment
- Cooperation partners
Universität Hohenheim IBS, IFE, Universität Stuttgart IWS-JWG, ILPÖ, University Amsterdam SOW-VU, University of Thessaloniki, Stockholm Environment Institute, Institute Nationale de Recherche Agronomique du Benin, Department de l'Hydraulique, Université Nationale du Benin, Interstate coordination water comission, Uzbekistan, Schneider und Jorde, Terra Fusca