This image shows Gözde Köse (geb. Aklan)

Gözde Köse (geb. Aklan)


PhD Student
Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems
Dept. of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems, SimTech


Pfaffenwaldring 5a
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.31

  1. 2024 (submitted)

    1. Köse G, Zamora JDS, Osmancevic E, Janotte F, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W. Bayesian failure localization identifies inconsistencies between water distribution network models and real-world conditions. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE.
  2. 2023

    1. Köse G, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W. Optimizing Pressure Monitoring in a Water Distribution Network through Bayesian Calibration. In: 18th Pipeline Technology Conference 2023 [Internet]. Berlin, Germany: EITEP Institute; 2023. (18th Pipeline Technology Conference 2023). Available from:
  3. 2019

    1. Xiao S, Reuschen S, Köse G, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W. Estimation of small failure probabilities based on thermodynamic integration and parallel tempering. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019;133:106248.

06/2011 B.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
11/2014 M.Sc. Hydro Science & Engineering, Technical University of Dresden
Since 10/2017 PhD Student, Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of Stuttgart

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