Portrait of the Month - Eksa Bagas Prasati, Matthieu Aouad, Jasper Jürgensen & Michael Marquardt



Eksa Bagas Prasasti, Matthieu Aouad, Jasper Jürgensen and Michael Marquardt are PhD students of the research group of structural engineering and hydropower at the Institute for modelling hydraulic and environmental systems at the university of stuttgart.

Their field of research covers hydraulic structures such as dams, weirs, hydraulic gates and auxiliary parts like inlets and spillways. Therefore, they need to carefully consider all boundary conditions, load assumptions and material properties. Experiments in the laboratory and in the field are used to validate numerical models and to investigate natural processes. The research topics are also included in the lectures about the safety design of hydraulic structures and the management of energy and water supply systems such as pump storages.

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