Chris Boeije, École Nationale Supérieure en Environnement, Géoressources et Ingénierie du Développement Durable, Bordeaux, France
Pfaffenwaldring 61, Raum U1.003 (MML), Universität Stuttgart
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Foam injection has been studied extensively for petroleum engineering applications as an enhanced oilrecovery method. Foam traps the injected gas in separate bubbles thereby reducing its mobility whichcan result in a more stable displacement front compared to conventional gas or liquid injectionprocesses. Two different modeling approaches are found in literature to model the behavior of the foaminside porous media. Population balance model aim to include all of the physics of bubble generationand collapse. These models tend to be complex and suffer from the difference in time-scale betweenbubble dynamics and the overall displacement process. Thus the application of these models innumerical simulation of field scale studies is limited. Other models do not explicitly look at bubbledynamics, but assume that these dynamics quickly attain local equilibrium and aim to model the overalleffect of the foam on the fluid's mobility rather than the individual bubbles. Therefore these models arecommonly referred as local equilibrium or implicit texture models (texture refers to the bubble sizewhich is a measure for the overall mobility reduction attained by the foam). In this presentation we willpresent the current state of these models along with some applications found in other studies. We alsoshow results from foam injection simulations in 2D layered porous media using different simulators andcompare them to experimental results using a similar geometry.