COMPU-FLOW: New collaborative DFG-project funded

July 24, 2017

Looking for Postdocs: Modern Calibration and Validation of Mathematical Models

A new DFG-funded collaborative project has been funded: "COMPUtational Framework for Modern Calibration and Validation of Mathematical Models of Subsurface Flows - COMPU-FLOW". COMPU-FLOW is a collaboration between LS3 and Prof. Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen at the FZ Jülich, Germany.

The project seeks to initiate a community-wide effort of benchmarking and intercomparison of geostatistical inversion methods. It will provide benchmarking scenarios along with reference solutions, and make these publicly available on a long-term basis. The reference solutions will be computed with newly developed inversion algorithms, running on the high-performance computing machinery at FZ Jülich. More than ten internationally well-known research groups have agreed to join the effort of intercomparison.

Our Post-Doc Teng Xu is a member of this project.

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