Congratulations to Kumiko Glatz for successfully defending her PhD dissertation

May 17, 2022 /

On May 8th, 2022, Kumiko Glatz successfully defended her PhD dissertation

On May 8th, 2022, Kumiko Glatz successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled

 “'Upscaling of Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media'”

at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The VEGAS-team (Research Facility for Subsurface Remediation) is pleased to congratulate Kumiko Glatz on her successful PhD defense and wishes her all the best success for her future career.

Mrs. Glatz mainly did research within the framework of the NanoRem-project ( ). The NanoRem-project focused on facilitating practical, safe, economic and exploitable nanotechnology for in situ remediation.

The PhD committee appointed by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Stuttgart consisted of: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Moormann (Chairman), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr.-Ing. habil. András Bárdossy (Main examiner), PD Dr.-Ing. Claus Haslauer (Co-examiner) und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Miroslav Černík (Co-examiner, Technical University of Liberec).

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