MiniKueWeE - Minimizing the energy consumption of non-residential buildings for cooling while improving the load flexibility by the use of heat pipes in combination with different technologies of renewable energies
Current building related regulations regarding thermal insulation primarily aim to reduce the required heating energy, leading to an overheating of buildings in summer and during the transition periods. Cooling systems are therefore required to maintain the permitted temperature ranges inside the rooms of the buildings. These systems (for example thermally activated building structures or chilled ceilings) generally require auxiliary power (e.g. pumps) to circulate the coolant within the cooling circuit. Electrically driven compression chillers are often used for the cooling production, which leads to a considerable primary energy requirement. One goal of the research project is to increase the energy efficiency of the room cooling using heat pipes as a passive system. The arising heat at the condensation zone of the heat pipes should thereby (if possible) be removed passively, using synergy effects within the building energy system while at the same time integrating renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the possibility of using predictive controlling (e.g. for demand side management) should be investigated for all sub systems within the building energy system.
- Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme , Universität Stuttgart
- Institut für Gebäudeenergetik, Thermotechnik und Energiespeicherung, Universität Stuttgart
- Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung, Konstanz
- Herrenbauer & Kurz Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Heilbronn
- MPG Wärmetechnik GmbH, Menden (Sauerland)
Project manager: Dr.-Ing. K. Terheiden
Duration: 01.02.2021-31.01.2024
Finances: BMWi, FKZ 03ETW025A
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