New DFG project “Colmation” approved
Unravelling physical interactions of surface and subsurface processes
In this project, we investigate the infiltration and accumulation of fine sediments in gravel bed rivers. We want to broaden the system understanding of colmation, especially since it has massive effects on river ecology. Key factors to describe the dynamics of colmation processes are the interactions between the turbulence at the sediment-water interface, the interstitial flow properties and the considerable reduction of pores by the infiltrating fine sediments.
The research project focuses on physical flume experiments for the specific investigation of particular processes of the colmation process. For this purpose we will develop and apply an innovative measurement concept (combination of PIV, endoscopic PIV, gamma-ray absorption, 3D printer for simplified river bottoms) to generate a detailed and so far unique data set on the colmation process.
The project will be carried out in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Markus Noack of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Science and has a duration of 3 years.
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