Participants of the Dirt-X project from the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and the University of Stuttgart met for a project meeting and a field trip to the catchment area of the Gepatschspeicher (Kaunertal) on September 8th and 9th. Besides the reservoir itself, several water intakes (Tyrolean weirs with sand traps) in the Kauner -and Pitztal were visited. Furthermore, the project team gained exciting insights into an exploratory tunnel and visited the well-equipped weather station Weißsee. Because of the pandemic, the project meeting was the first opportunity in a long time for the Dirt-X team to discuss important research topics in strict compliance with hygiene rules.
Many thanks to the TIWAG and the University of Innsbruck for the organization and planning of this interesting field trip!
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