Continuity at three weirs on the river Lein on the Ostalbkreis

Creation of the continuity at three weirs on the river Lein on the Ostalbkreis

Duration: 2018.06.01 to 2018.12.31
Department: LWW

Creation of the continuity at three weirs on the river Lein on the Ostalbkreis


As part of the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, the Landesbetrieb Gewässer of the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart intends to establish continuity at three weirs on the River Lein in the Ostalbkreis in the municipality of Abtsgmünd (weir at the Roßnagelmühle and weir at the Laubacher Mühle) and in the municipality of Göggingen (weir in the district of Mulfingen). The preferred option would be to remove the weirs completely in order to restore the natural flow behaviour of the water.

Within this study the effects of the weir removal on groundwater hydraulics, as well as on geotechnical and hydromorphological aspects are to be investigated together with the project partners Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Kobus und Partner GmbH (subproject groundwater) and Smoltczyk & Partner GmbH (subproject geotechnics).

The hydromorphological investigations, conducted by the University of Stuttgart, include the determination of basic data by means of in-situ sampling (shovel, grabber and freeze-core samples) in order to obtain detailed knowledge of the current morphological conditions. Based on this data, the stability of the river bed in the dammed as well as within the free-flowing areas will be determined and a stable slope of the river bed of the River Lein, dependent on the flow conditions and the occurring grain sizes, is calculated.

Project manager
Research assistants

From: 2018.06.01

To: 2018.12.31

Cooperation partners

Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Kobus und Partner GmbH Smoltczyk & Partner GmbH



Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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