Feasibility Study of Co-Solvent Flushing for a DNAPL-Remediation of a Dump Site
- Abstract
The feasibility of an in-situ contaminant phase extraction of highly-chlorinated hydrocarbons below the dump site of production residues using co-solvent flooding (ternary solvent-mixtures) was investigated under contract of an international chemical company.
Both cyclohexane and diethyl ether were selected as co-solvents because of their high partitioning capacity into the contaminant mixture and their ability to transform the contaminant mixture (DNAPL) into a single-phase LNAPL. Additionally, the selected co-solvents were able to dissolve the precipitated tar oil phase. The water-miscible solvents were acetone and 2-propanol.
Four different ternary phase diagrams (TPD) for the solvent-co-solvent-water system were determined in order to define the optimal co-solvent flushing (CSF)-mixture.
No significant differences were observed between the selected CSF-cocktails for a composition of 90/10 %v/v. Therefore, after considering the costs and safety and ecological aspects, the solvent 2-propanol and the co-solvent cyclohexane were selected. Solids and/or highly viscous tar oil precipitated during the determination of the ETPDs.
The hydraulic control of the remediation process may be compromised by a clogging of the aquifer during CSF.
The cost of the chemicals and the recycling of the CSF-cocktail were estimated after the recycling process was designed. Due to the physical and chemical properties of the chemicals, a thermal recycling of the CSF-cocktail by vacuum evaporation was proposed. The costs for the recycling process and the overall costs for the CSF-cocktail needed for the removal of the contaminants were estimated based on the results of previous research work. The costs are roughly estimated to be 800 - 900 EUR/m³ treated soil for the chemicals and the recycling of the CSF-cocktail.
A more accurate cost estimate must be based on further lab experiments to determine the mass fluxes, the effectiveness and the functionality of the process. - Project manager
Koschitzky, Hans-Peter
- Deputy
- Research assistants
Trötschler, Oliver
Weber, Karolin - Department
- Duration
From: 2003-09-01
To: 2004-03-31
- Finances
Solvay (S.A.), Brüssel
- Cooperation partners