Title | Description |
EXC 2075: Printing personalized medicines on demand | Duration: 10/2021 - 12/2021 Department: LH2 Leader: Majid Hassanizadeh, Rainer Helmig Funding: DFG |
SFB 1313, I-03: Discrete fracture models for flow, transport and deformation, and application to integrity studies of radioactive waste disposal sites | Duration: 07/2020 - 12/2020 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig, Bernd Flemisch Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project SATIN: How soil properties affect processes inside the soil and at the soil- atmosphere interface - interweaving experimental and modeling approaches | Duration: 02/2017 - 04/2020 Leader: Rainer Helmig Funding: DFG |
LW-Urbak: Investigation of additional water resources for mastering the impacts of climate change | Duration: 02/2020 - 02/2021 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig Funding: Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung |
EXC 2075, PN 1-6: Upscaling of two-phase porous media flow based on fluid morphology | Duration: 01/2020 - 06/2023 Department: LH2 Leaders: Carina Bringedal, Bernd Flemisch Funding: DFG |
EVASAL: Environmental applications of evaporative salt precipitation in porous media: numerical modeling and experimental investigations | Duration: 03/2019 - 12/2021 Department: LH2 Leaders: Emna Mejri, Rainer Helmig Funding: DAAD |
BOYSEN: Modeling thermochemical heat storage | Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2021 Department: LH2 Leaders: Rainer Helmig, Holger Class Funding: Boysen Foundation |
MWK-SimTech-Project: Quality assurance in scientific software development at the example of DUNE / PDELab / DuMux | Duration: 01/2017 - 11/2018 Leader: Flemisch, Bastian Funding: MWK, SimTech, Unis Heidelberg & Stuttgart |
SPP 2089: Modelling self-organisation in the rhizosphere | Duration: 09/2018 - 08/2021 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig Funding: DFG |
3D-Bild: Combined quantitative three-dimensional imaging and predictive modeling of soil water movement and root water uptake | Duration: 07/2018 - 06/2021 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig Funding: DFG |
EU-Project FracRisk: Furthering the Knowledge Base For Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Shale Gas Development (FracRisk) | Duration: 06/2015 - 05/2018 Class, Helmig Funding: EU |
SimTech-Project: Vascular graph model embedded in a bio-tissue to simulate the blood flow and transport processes in realistic vascular networks and vascualar and tumoral growth | Duration: 11/2014 - 11/2017 Leitung: Helmig, Flemisch Funding: DFG |
Two-phase ICP: Advancing model concepts for engineered calcium carbonate precipitation with focus on multiple driving processes, temperature influence, and two-phase flow | Duration: 10/2017 - 03/2021 Department: LH2 Leader: Johannes Hommel Funding: DFG |
Landesgraduiertenförderung: Modeling and analysis of coupled porous-medium and free flow with application to evaporation processes | Duration: 10/2017 - 12/2020 Department: LH2 Leader: Rainer Helmig Funding: Landesgraduiertenförderung |
LGF-Project: Development of efficient multi-scale multi-physics models accounting for reversible flow at various subsurface energy storage sites | Duration: 05/2014 - 05/2017 Leader: Helmig Funding: LGF |
BIOCOAL: Developing and calibrating a numerical model for Microbially Enhanced Coal-Bed Methane (MECBM) Production | Duration: 04/2017 - 06/2020 Department: LH2 Leader: Holger Class Funding: DFG |
SimTech-Project: Large-scale arrival time statistics and risk assessment for transport in complex multi-scale formations | Duration: 10/2014 - 09/2016 Leader: Nowak Funding: DFG |
Virtual programming lab (ViPLab 2) | Duration: 07/2013 - 07/2016 Leader: Helmig Funding: Funds for Quality Assurance of the University of Stuttgart |
SimTech-Project: Multi-scale multi-physics modeling of complex systems | Duration: 06/2013 - 06/2016 Leader: Helmig, Flemisch Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Investigating transfer fluxes induced by turbulent free flow and affected by multiphase processes in porous media" | Duration: 04/2013 - 03/2016 Leader: Helmig Funding: DFG |
NUPUS - Research Project "A volume-based conceptual approach for the analysis of hydraulic and geomechanical processes causing fault reactivation" | Duration: 02/2013 - 12/2015 Leader: Class Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Evaporation-driven transport and precipitation of salts in porous media" | Duration: 02/2012 - 12/2015 Leader: Helmig, Pop, Shokri Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Early-warning monitoring systems for improved drinking water resource protection" | Duration: 07/2013 - 12/2015 Leaders: Nowak, Bardossy Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Numerical investigations on coupled flow and bio-geochemical processes during and after storage of CO2 in the subsurface" | Duration: 10/2012 - 09/2015 Leader: Class, Cunningham Funding: DFG |
Thermodynamically based modelling of two-phase flow in porous media including interfacial area | Duration: 01/2010 - 07/2015 Leader: Helmig, Hassanizadeh, Pop Funding: -- |
Solving flood-related conflicts: a combined natural-scientific, socio-ecological, and technological approach | Duration: 04/2012 - 04/2015 Leader: Helmig Funding: -- |
DFG-Project: An integrative approach for conditioning, robust design and control in the subsurface | Duration: 08/2011 - 08/2014 Leader: Nowak, Oladyshkin Funding: DFG |
VW-Project: Thermal Runaway of Lithium Batteries | Duration: 07/2011 - 07/2014 Leader: Nowak Funding: Volkswagenstiftung |
SimTech-Project: Coupling of micro and macro models for complex flow and transport processes in biological tissue | Duration: 06/2009 - 05/2014 Leader: Helmig Funding: DFG |
EU Project ECO2: Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems | Duration: 05/2011- 04/2014 Leader: Class, Flemisch Funding: EU |
SimTech-Project: Efficient concepts in optimal design of experiments | Duration: 08/2009 - 02/2014 Leader: Nowak Funding: DFG |
SimTech-Project: Joint Data Compression and Model Reduction for Conditional Stochastic Modeling of Subsurface Flow and Transport Processes | Duration: 01/2009 - 01/2014 Leader: Nowak Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Contaminant source architecture: multivariate phenomenological description, identification and simulation" | Duration: 07/2010 - 12/2013 |
DFG-Project: Modeling mass transfer processes for multi-phase flow in porous media including fluid--fluid interfacial areas | Duration: 07/2009 - 12/2013 Leaders: Helmig, Hassanizadeh Funding: DFG |
BMBF-Project CO2MAN: CO2-Reservoir management at the pilot site Ketzin. Sub-project 2: Reservoir simulation and visualisation | Duration: 09/2010 - 08/2013 Leader: Class Funding: BMBF |
Virtual programming lab (ViPlab) | Duration: 07/2009 - 05/2013 Leader: Helmig Funding: Enrollment fees |
SimTech-Project: Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Numerical Models for Flow and Transport in Porous Media | Duration: 05/2008 - 05/2013 Leiter: Helmig, Flemisch Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Multiphysics modelling of two (three) phase flow with capillary pressure" | Duration: 04/2010 - 03/2013 Leader: Helmig, Flemisch Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Projekt "Methods for Fractured Porous Media Systems" | Duration: 04/2010 - 03/2013 Leaders: Wohlmuth, Flemisch Funding: DFG |
Landesstiftung BaWü: Large-scale numerical simulation of processes during CO2 storage in geologic formations | Duration: 01/2010 - 12/2012 Leaders: Bastian, Class, Flemisch, Helmig, Ippisch Funding: Landesstiftung BaWü |
BMBF-DFG-Project: Modelling and Parameterisation of CO2-Storage in Deep, Saliniferous Formations for Dimension and Risk Analyses (CO2-MoPa) | Duration: 04/2008 - 12/2011 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: BMBF & DFG |
EXXON: Informations- und Dialogprozess der ExxonMobil über die Sicherheit und Umweltverträglichkeit der Fracking-Technologie für die Erdgasgewinnung: Arbeitsgruppe Risiken im geologischen Bereich | Duration: 05/2011 - 05/2012 Leader: Sauter, Helmig Funding: ExxonMobil |
LW-Project: Quantitative aggregation of individual hazards to an overall risk for well catchments | Duration: 11/2012 - 04/2013 Leader: Nowak Funding: Landeswasserversorgung |
SimTech-Project: Probabilistic Risk Assessment for CO2 Storage Scenarios via Massive Stochastic Model Reduction | Duration: 01/2009 - 12/2011 Leaders: Oladyshkin, Nowak, Class, Helmig Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project: Risk assessment in fractured porous media with particular reference to water catchments | Duration: 01/2008 - 12/2011 Leader: Helmig, Haakh, Nowak Funding: DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Multiphase-, multicomponent processes within gas diffusion layers in fuel cells and their interactions with channel flow" | Duration: 10/2008 - 09/2011 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: DFG |
SimTech-Project: Stochastic Models for Nonlinear Convection-Dominated Flows | Duration: 09/2008 - 08/2011 Leader: Rohde, Nowak Funding: DFG |
Modeling and analysis of the movement of fluid-fluid interfaces in porous media coupled with turbulent free flow | Duration: 2011-08-01 to 2016-07-31 Department: LH2 |
NUPUS: Research Project "Modelling of biofilm growth and its influence on CO2 and water (two-phase) flow in porous media" | Duration: 01/2007 - 05/2011 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: DFG |
BMBF-Project: Numerical investigation of flow and transport in fractured porous media | Duration: 04/2008 - 03/2011 Leader: Helmig Funding: BMBF |
EU-Project CO2SINK-In-situ R&D Laboratory for Geological Storage of CO2 WP 6.1: Dynamic Flow Modeling |
Duration: 04/2004 - 10/2010 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: EU |
NUPUS - Research Project "Multi-scale modelling of two-phase two-component processes in heterogeneous porous media" | Duration: 04/2007 - 03/2010 Leader: Helmig Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project: Coupling of pipe flow model with multiphase flow model in porous media - Modeling of gas migration through porous media and one dimensional pipe flow network. | Duration: 03/2007 - 02/2010 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project: Mixing of solutes in heterogeneous porous media under thermally induced buoyancey-flow conditions | Duration: 01/2005 - 12/2008 Leader: Neuweiler Funding: DFG |
BMBF-Project FORSYS: A Systems Biology Approach towards Predictive Cancer Therapy Teilprojekt P8: Modeling of the spatial-temporal distribution of therapeutics in tumor (continuum approach) |
Duration: 07/2008 - 06/2011 Leaders: Helmig, Class Funding: BMBF |
BMBF-DFG-Project BodenseeOnline: Ein Informationssystem zur Vorhersage der Hydrodynamik und der Wasserqualität von Seen am Beispiel des Bodensees | Duration: 04/2005 - 10/2008 Leader: Kobus Funding: BMBF & DFG |
NUPUS: Research Project "Simulation of multiphase multicomponent processes in hydrophobic diffusion layers of fuel-cells with mixed wettability" | Duration: 01/2007 - 09/2008 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: DFG |
BMBF-DFG-Project: Numerical Investigation of CO2 Sequestration in Geological Formations - Problem-Oriented Benchmarks | Duration: 04/2005 - 03/2008 Leader: Helmig, Class Funding: BMBF & DFG |
DFG-Project: Mechanics of Partially Saturated Soils Subproject III: Modelling of Non-Isothermal Gas-Water Flow and Transport Processes in Cohesive Soils |
Duration: 12/2001 - 11/2007 Leaders: Helmig, Class Funding: DFG |
BMBF-Project: Influence of soil structure on flow and transport in the unsaturated zone | Duration: 10/2004 - 09/2007 Leader: Neuweiler Funding: BMBF |
DFG-Project: Upscaling and quantification of uncertainties using stochastic-numerical methods | Duration: 10/2005 - 09/2007 Leader: Neuweiler, Helmig Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project FIMOTUM: First-principle-based Modelling of Transport in Unsaturated Media, Subproject III Incorporation of subscale processes into enhanced constitutive relationships on the meso- and macroscale |
Duration: 05/2004 - 04/2007 Leader: Helmig, Neuweiler Funding: DFG |
BMBF-DFG-Project: Numerical Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in unmineable Coalbeds - CO2-TRAP | Duration: 11/2005 - 04/2007 Leader: Helmig, Class Funding: BMBF & DFG |
DFG-Project: Effective parameters for DNAPL infiltration | Duration: 04/2003 - 03/2007 Leader: Neuweiler Funding: DFG |
SFB 404 "Multi-field problems in continuum mechanics", Sub-project A3: Multi-phase processes in porous media | Duration: 01/2004 - 12/2006 Leader: Helmig, Class Funding: DFG |
VEGAS-Project: Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Dampfausbreitung in gesättigten porösen Medien | Duration: 05/2003 - 12/2006 Leader: Helmig, Class Funding: -- |
DMT-Project 3D modelling of methane-migration processes in the sub-surface | Duration: 01/2002 - 12/2006 Leader: Rainer Helmig, Holger Class Funding: DMT |
DFG-Project FOR 581: Kopplung von Strömungs- und Deformationsprozessen zur Modellierung von Großhangbewegungen, Subproject 2: Numerical simulation of two-phase flow processes for natural slopes | Duration: 01/2006 - 12/2011 Leader: Helmig Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project: Development of physical-mathematical model concepts for the simulation of CO2 injection in geological formations | Duration: 03/2004 - 12/2005 Leader: Class, Helmig Funding: DFG |
Flow and transport processes in fractured porous media | Duration: 01/2004 - 12/2005 Leaders: Helmig, Bardossy Funding: -- |
Landesgraduiertenförderung: Upscaling including subgrid effects due to highly complex fine-scale processes for multiphase - multicomponent flow in porous media | Duration: 01/2004 - 12/2005 Leader: Helmig Funding: Landesgraduiertenförderung |
EU-Project: Trapping Phenomena for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media and its representation in Upscaling Procedures | Duration: 09/2003 - 12/2004-12-31 Leader: Helmig Funding: Marie Curie Fellowship |
WAREM: Re-structuring of the WAREM Preparatory Course "Hydromechanics" | Duration: 01/2004 - 07/2004 Leader: Helmig Funding: University of Stuttgart |
DoE-Project: Field-Scale Evaluation of Biostimulation for Remediation of Uranium-Contaminated Groundwater at a Proposed NABIR Field Research Center in Oak Ridge, TN | Duration: 10/2000 -12/2003 Leader: Cirpka Funding: DoE |
DMT-Project: Simulation von Gaspumpversuchen | Duration: 07/2003 - 12/2003 Leader: Helmig, Hinkelmann Funding: DMT |
DMT-Project: Development of optimisation methods for modelling methane extraction in the sub-surface | Duration: 01/2003 - 12/2003 Leaders: Hinkelmann, Helmig Funding: DMT |
DFG-Project: Ermittlung des vollständigen Durchlässigkeitstensors von Bohrkernen und Gesteinsproben | Duration: 11/2001 -10/2003-10-31 Leader: Cirpka Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project: Skaleneffekte bei der in-situ Durchmischung gelöster Stoffe in heterogenen Grundwasserleitern | Duration: 10/2000 - 09/2003 Leader: Cirpka Funding: DFG |
GMD-Project GIMOLUS: Introduction of GIS- and model-based teaching modules in environmental study courses, Sub-project: Environmental fluid mechanics | Duration: 08/2001 - 07/2003 Leaders: Helmig, Hinkelmann Funding: GMD |
DFG-Project: Fractured aquifer analogue: Experiments and modelling, Sub-project 3: Application of discrete model approaches | Duration: 05/1996 - 06/2003 Leader: Helmig Funding: DFG |
BMBF-DFG-Project: Development of a numerical model (MUFTE_UG) to simulate gas and water processes in fractured aquifer systems | Duration: 10/1997 - 05/2003 Leader: Helmig Funding: BMBF & DFG |
DFG-Project: Multi-grid methods and adaptive Euler-Lagrange methods for the simulation of flow and transport processes in fractured aquifer systems | Duration: 11/1999 - 12/2002 Leader: Hinkelmann, Helmig Funding: DFG |
DFG-Project MUSKAT: Multi-scale transport - from the pore scale to the unsaturated zone, Sub-project C: Identification of fundamental processes to determine effective parameters in porous multi-phase multi-component systems | Duration: 10/1999 - 09/2002 Leader: Helmig, Hinkelmann Funding: DFG |
RTG-Project: Interaction of structures and fluids - Simulation of multi-phase flow processes in porous media with the aid of adaptive methods | Duration: 04/1999 - 03/2002 Leader: Helmig, Hinkelmann Funding: DFG |
Landesforschungsverbund WiR Ba-Wü: Parallel simulation tools, Sub-project B4.1: Modelling and analysis of scale-dependent coupled transport processes in the hydrosystem underground | Duration: 10/1999 - 09/2001 Leaders: Helmig, Hinkelmann Funding: Land Baden-Württemberg |
EU-Project Sub-GATE: Submarine Groundwater-Fluxes And Transport-Processes from Methane Rich Coastal Sedimentary Environments Task 8: Groundwater flow modelling |
Duration: 03/1998 - 02/2001 Leader: Helmig, Hinkelmann Funding: EU |
SFB 477: "Life cycle assessment of structures via innovative monitoring", Sub-project B8: Modelling and analysis of multi-phase processes under landfill | Duration: 07/1998 - 12/2000 Leader: Helmig Funding: DFG |
DMT-Project: Modelling and analysis of methane de-gassing in the sub-surface | Duration: 04/1998 - 09/1999 Leader: Helmig Funding: DMT |
Assessment of hazardous gas emission to the surface over former mined areas | Duration: 01/2000 - 04/2004 Leaders: Hinkelmann, Helmig Funding: ECSC coal RTD Programm |
MWK-Project DISS: Data-Integrated Simulation Science | Duration: 10/2016 - 07/2020 Leader: Holger Class Funding: MKW + Unis Heidelberg and Stuttgart |
Grids and solvers for the free-flow regime in the context of coupling free flow with porous-media flow | Supervisor: Rainer Helmig |
CO2BRIM: Multi-stage and regional-scale characterisation of potential CO2 storage formations with particular focus on brine migration risks – an integrated natural and social science approach | Duration: 09/2012 - 12/2014 Department: LH2 Leader: Holger Class Funding: BMBF |
Bayesian selection of hydro-morphodynamic models under computational time const | Duration: to Department: LH2 |