Project description
The GRS (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - Global Research for Safety) is currently working in a research project on the "Development and application of calculation tools for specific clearance". LH2 is supporting the research project as a subcontractor in the modeling of generic scenarios for specific clearance. The scenarios modeled at GRS consider different transport pathways for radionuclides into the groundwater (from landfill waste or contaminated soil zone) and are simulated at GRS with the numerical simulators SPRING and d3f++.
The DuMux software developed at LH2 allows for a modular use of model components, which, depending on the required physical complexity, solve different balance equations or map the corresponding physical relationships with varying degrees of detail in the constitutive relationships and closure conditions.
Benchmark scenarios will be elaborated, each of which contains an unsaturated zone in both transport paths (landfill, soil). Due to the flexibility of DuMux, e.g. with regard to two-phase flow or Richards model in the unsaturated zone and coupled with a tracer transport module, possible differences in the transport phenomena such as dispersion, adsorption or radioactive decay can be analyzed in comparison to the models used in the GRS.
Project leader
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Class
apl. Prof. Dr.rer.nat Bernd Flemisch
07/2023 - 05/2025
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH, Köln (GRS)
Holger Class
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing.Akademischer Oberrat, Deputy Head of the Department

Bernd Flemisch
apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Professor for Simulation Technology