Global change has affected many of the Earth's ecosystems and fragmented their natural complexity. Emblematically, the ecosystems of the Yellow River in China and the Rhine in Germany bear witness to this development. It can be expected that global change will further increase the stress on these and other fluvial ecosystems in the coming decades, with serious consequences for food security. To address these consequences, the DFG is funding a new collaboration project between the University of Stuttgart and the Chinese North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) and Yantai University (YPU) entitled " Hydro-morphodynamic connectivity and ecosystem design in a changing environment". The Chinese-German collaboration project aims to develop an algorithm-based scientific model for ecologically functional connectivity of fluvial ecosystems, which will meet ecological and societal needs in the context of global change. To this end, combined hydrological connectivity enhancements and morphological adaptations will be parametrically and systematically analysed.
Project manager
Research assistant
From: 01.04.2021
To: 31.03.2024
Partners & Finances
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- North China Electric Power University (NCEPU)
- Yantai University (YTU)
- National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)