DBU project network: High-tech methods for underground probing. Subproject 2: testing all methods of the DBU joint project and joint project coordination
- Abstract
The aim of the project was to equip conventional, hand-held to medium-weight probing systems with cost-effective and modern sensors. This should be used to generate and evaluate analytical signals during exploration work. The joint project was subdivided into 14 independent projects, which were clearly separated from each other in terms of organization and which contain their own project objectives. VEGAS was responsible for the coordination of the research network “High-tech methods of the on-site analytical research” and for providing a reference site for testing the functionality of measurement techniques integrated into probing techniques.
- Project manager
Klaas, Norbert
Barczewski, Baldur - Deputy
- Research assistants
Batereau, Katrin
Müller, Martin - Department
- Duration
From: 2002-01-01
To: 2005-03-31
- Finances
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
- Cooperation partners