- Project Description
Lake Constance is among the largest lakes in Central Europe and represents the most important drinking water reservoir in South-Western Germany. Besides being a drinking water supply the lake is also the receiving water of numerous waste-water treatment plants within its catchment. For improved water quality management of the lake the research project BodenseeOnline was initiated.The objective of the research project BodenseeOnline is to develop a decision support system for the interpretation of the up to date three dimensional flow fields and water quality in Lake Constance. The three dimensional distribution of hydrophysical and biogeochemical parameters are simulated with numerical models. A coupled lake model system of hydrodynamic and water quality developed by the Centre of Water Research at the University of Western Australia is included in BodenseeOnline. The system contains the hydrodynamic model ELCOM and the water quality model CAEDYM. These models are being adapted and validated with observed data from several measurement campaigns.
- Project manager
Kobus, Helmut
- Deputy
- Research assistants
Eder, Magdalena
- Department
- Duration
04/2005 - 10/2008
- Finances
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Cooperation partners
Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Kobus und Partner GmbH (kup): Datenbank und Online Modell
Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart (IKE): Modellierung 1:Simulationsplattform und Bereitstellung Meteorologischer Randbedingungen
Institut für Wasserbau, Universität Stuttgart (IWS): Modellierung 2: Hydrodynamik undTransport von Wasserinhaltsstoffen
Limnologisches Institut, Universität Konstanz (ILK): Modellierung 3: Biologie, Chemieund Sediment
ArbeitsgemeinschaftWasserwerke Bodensee-Rhein (AWBR): AnwendungsbezogeneFragestellungen aus Sicht der Wasserversorgungsunternehmen