- Description
Greenhouse-gases are one of the biggest environmental problems. One possibility of minimizing the greenhouse effect isthe storage and long time trapping of CO2 in geological formations. The unminable coal-seams in closed coal-mines arethe attractive geological formations for the sequestration of CO2. The CO2-Adsorption into coal seams results insimultaneous desorption of methane ( Enhanced Coalbed Methane - ECBM ). By utilizing methane the cost ofCO2-Sequestration can be reduced.
The objective of the research project :
Development of physical-mathematical model approaches for the CO2-Adsorption into coal seams and simultaneous desorptionof methane (CH4) .
Implementation of these approaches into the numerical multi-phase simulator MUFTE-UG
Validation of the models by comparing it with the laboratory experiments, which are carried by LEK (Lehrstuhl für Geologie, Geochemieund Lagerstätten des Erdöls und der Kohle ) RWTH Aachen - Project manager
Helmig, Rainer
- Deputy
- Research assistants
Dogan, Mehmet Onur
Bielinski, Andreas - Department
- Duration
11/2005 - 04/2007
- Funding
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)