EXC 2075, PN 5-9: Adaptive and Flexible Macro-Micro Coupling Software

Research project within the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 “Data-Integrated Simulation Science” funded by the German Research Fondation (DFG) - Project number 390740016


For many challenging applications in simulation technology, micro-scale phenomena can dominate macro-scale behavior. Using micro-scale models to simulate the complete macro-scale domain of interest is however oftentimes infeasible due to excessive computational cost. Thus, multiscale consideration is a necessity. In this project, we develop novel software and algorithms to couple existing macro-scale and micro-scale simulation programs in a black-box fashion. Special attention is given to the adaptive use of micro simulations and the resulting potential load imbalance for parallel computing – two prerequisites if we want to build realistic applications. To this end, we devise a managing component for all micro simulations, which is coupled to the macro-scale simulation through the coupling library preCICE. The novel concepts are applicable to a wide range of applications in ExC 2075. We showcase the capability of our concepts for muscle models (studied in PN5 and PN7) and porous media flow (studied in PN1).

Project leader

Jun.-Prof. Benjamin Uekermann
Jun.-Prof. Carina Bringedal


Ishaan Desai (M.Sc.)





This image shows Carina Bringedal

Carina Bringedal

Jun.-Prof., Ph.D.

Departure in October 2022

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