Thermodynamische Modellierung von Zweiphasenströmung in porösen Medien unter Einbeziehung von Phasengrenzflächen

Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung

Laufzeit: 25.01.2010 bis 30.07.2015
Abteilung: LH2


The goal of the research is to develop a physically based model for two-phase flow that is able to reproduce hysteretic and dynamic effects in both homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media at the macroscale. The work is based on the rational thermodynamics approach that includes fluid-fluid interfacial areas as variables. This approach allows to describe capillary hysteresis as well as local non-equilibrium effects in a porous medium. In particular, specific fluid-fluid interfacial area is considered as a third continuum and respective mass balance equation of the interfaces is constructed. A new formulation of the production of interfacial area is proposed. The model is aimed to reproduce dynamic overshoots observed in experiments. A careful numerical study based on the developed model can provide a better insight into the origin of the overshoots. In addition, an interface condition between two soils that accounts for the continuity of phase and interface properties is to be developed. The model has to be tested for heterogeneous porous media.


Helmig, Rainer
Hassanizadeh, S. Majid
Pop, Iuliu Sorin


Zizina, Irina




01/2010 - 07/2015



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Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystem-modellierung



Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart

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