- Haas J, Hagen D, Moreno-Leiva S, Nowak W, Kern J, Olivares MA. Updated Perspective on Using Batteries for Mitigating Hydropeaking. In: Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES). 2021. (Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES); Bd. 16).
- Imagiire LOKM, Mester B, Haun S, Seidel J. Open-Access Precipitation Networks and Machine Learning Algorithms as Tools for Flood Severity Prediction. In: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering [Internet]. Springer Singapore; 2021. S. 131--142. (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering). Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-981-16-5501-2_11
- Guthke A, Bakhshipour AE, de Barros F, Class H, Daniell JE, Dittmer U, u. a. A unified framework for quantitative interdisciplinary flood risk assessment. In online: AGU Fall Meeting 2020; 2020.
- Banerjee I, Guthke A, Ven CJCVD, Mumford K, Nowak W. Overcoming the Model-to-Experimental Data Fit Problem in Porous Media: a New Quantitative Method to Evaluate and Compare Models. In online: AGU Fall Meeting 2020; 2020.
- Moreno-Leiva S, Haas J, Nowak W, Junne T. Flexible energy systems for planning the world’s main copper mines considering geographical conditions. In Vienna, Austria: European Geophysical Union (EGU), General Assembly 2020; 2020.
- Jackisch C, Schibalski A, Schröder B, Nowak W, Guthke A. Providing relevant uncertainty information to decision makers: Subjective post-processing of rigorous Bayesian uncertainty assessment of model projections. In online: AGU Fall Meeting 2020; 2020.
- Hsueh HF, Guthke A, Wöhling T, Nowak W. Diagnosing Model-structural Errors with a Sliding Time-window Bayesian Analysis. In online: AGU Fall Meeting 2020; 2020.
- Guthke A. Justifiability is key - Bayesian analysis of system and model complexity. In Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: 10th EGU Leonardo Conference on Earth’s hydrological cycle: Global change, landscape ageing and the pulse of catchments; 2019.
- Praditia T, Walser T, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W. Using physics-based regularization in Artificial Neural Networks to predict thermochemical energy storage systems. In: Fall Meeting 2019, Abstract: IN32B-15. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2019. (Fall Meeting 2019, Abstract: IN32B-15).
- Most S, Bijeljic B, Bolster D, Nowak W. Simulating three-dimensional non-Fickian transport across arbitrary Péclet regimes using training trajectories. In Saint-Malo, France: XXII. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR); 2018.
- Haas J, Nowak W, Hagen D. Energy Storage Systems for a 100\% Renewable Power Supply: a Closer Look on Hydropower. In: 13th SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Palermo, Italy: SDEWES; 2018. (13th SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems).
- Guthke Anneli. Model selection on solid ground: rigorous comparison of nine ways to evaluate Bayesian evidence. In Adelaide, Australia: STAHY 2018 Best Paper Award Session; 2018.
- Schäfer-Rodrigues-Silva A, Nowak W. Diagnosing redundancies, gaps and data match in multi-model ensembles. In Saint-Malo, France: XXII. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR); 2018.
- Oladyshkin S, Guthke A, Mohamadi F, Kopmann R, Nowak W. Model selection under computational time constraints: application to river engineering. In Saint-Malo, France: XXII. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR); 2018.
- Höge M, Wöhling T, Nowak W. The Decisive Role of Model Complexity in Model Selection. In: General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-6499, 2018. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2018. (General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-6499, 2018).
- Guthke A, Höge M, Nowak W. How model selection and averaging strategies help us improve hydrological models. In: General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-12797, 2018. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2018. (General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-12797, 2018).
- Chow R, Wu H, Bennett J, Dugge J, Wöhling T, Nowak W. Sensitivity of simulated hyporheic exchange residence times to river bathymetry. In: General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-10900, 2018. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2018. (General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-10900, 2018).
- Khan U, Snieder E, R.Shakir, Höge M, Nowak W. Using model complexity to select the optimum architecture for artificial neural networks. In: General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-17908. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2018. (General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2018-17908).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. A framework for transient behavior restriction in WHPA delineation: A dynamic multiobjective approach. In Saint-Malo, France: XXII. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR); 2018.
- Haas J, Khalighi J, Chen PJ, de la Fuente A, Nowak W. Save the Lake! Floating Solar Photovoltaic to Avoid Algae Blooms? In: Fall Meeting 2018. Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2018. (Fall Meeting 2018).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. Unsupervised learning for probabilistic WHPA analysis: A novel approach to identify hydraulic conductivity fields that best approximate geological uncertainties. In: Fall Meeting 2018. Washington, D.C., USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2018. (Fall Meeting 2018).
- Guthke A, Nowak W. Entropy-based experimental design for optimal model discrimination in the Geosciences. In Santander, Spain: Second Workshop on Information Theory and the Earth Sciences; 2018.
- Motyka E, Haas J, de la Fuente A. Long-term impact of hydropeaking: Studying the water quality of Rapel Reservoir, and the thermal pollution and hydrological alteration of its downstream river. In: 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE). Tokyo Japan; 2018. (12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE)).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. Optimal sampling design for well catchment investigation towards transient analysis of wellhead protection areas. In: Fall Meeting 2018. Washington, D.C., USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2018. (Fall Meeting 2018).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. A Multi-Objective Optimization formulation for transient flow restriction in Wellhead Protection. In: JpGU 2018. Chiba, Japan: Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU); 2018. (JpGU 2018).
- Guthke A, Oladyshkin S, Mohammadi F, Kopmann R, Nowak W. Bayesian model selection under computational time constraints: application to river modeling. In: Fall Meeting 2018. Washington, D.C., USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2018. (Fall Meeting 2018).
- Moreno-Leiva S, Valencia F, Haas J, Chudinzow D, Eltrop L. Solar energy alternatives for copper production. In: 23rd SolarPaces International Conference. Santiago, Chile: AIP Proceedings; 2017. (23rd SolarPaces International Conference).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. Transient flow conditions change how we should think about WHPA delineation: a joint frequency and probability analysis. In: General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-2660, 2017. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2017. (General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-2660, 2017).
- Chow R, Bennett J, J. Dugge TW, Nowak W. Evaluating Uncertainty in Estimating Groundwater Residence Time through a River Bend –An Integrated Hydrogeologic Modelling Study. In: General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-1881, 2017. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2017. (General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-1881, 2017).
- Nowak W, Anindito Y, Haas J, Olivares M. Can re-regulation reservoirs and batteries cost-effectively mitigate sub-daily hydropeaking? In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: PA23A-0363. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: PA23A-0363).
- Chow R, Bennet J, Dugge J, Wöhling T, Nowak W. Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty of Hyporheic Exchange Modelling. In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H22D-06. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H22D-06).
- Guthke A, Höge M, Nowak W. Bayesian model evidence as a model evaluation metric. In: General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-13390-1, 2017. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2017. (General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-13390-1, 2017).
- Haas J, Pamparana G, Kracht W, Nowak W, Chudinzow D, Ortiz J. Powering a Semi-Autogenous Grinding mill with photovoltaic energy including mineral management: the optimal energy storage mix. In Antofagasta, Chile: 3rd Solar Forum; 2017.
- Haas J, Zuniga D, Nowak W, Olivares M, Castelletti A, Tilmant A. The future of hydropower planning modeling. In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H23J-1805. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H23J-1805).
- Most S, Bijeljic B, Bolster D, Dentz M, Nowak W. Simulating Non-Fickian Transport across Péclet Regimes by doing Lévy Flights in the Rank Space of Velocity. In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H31D-1545. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H31D-1545).
- Fernandez B, Kopmann R, Oladyshkin S. Automated Calibration For Numerical Models Of Riverflow. In: General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-1026-3, 2017. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2017. (General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19: EGU2017-1026-3, 2017).
- Höge M, Illman W, Nowak W. Bayesian Model Selection under Time Constraints. In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H23C-1661. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H23C-1661).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. Minimizing transient influence in WHPA delineation: An optimization approach for optimal pumping rate schemes. In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: PA53B-0274. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: PA53B-0274).
- Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. And yet it moves! Involving transient flow conditions is the logical next step for WHPA analysis. In: Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H31D-1529. New Orleans, LA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2017. (Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract: H31D-1529).
- Ortiz J, Kracht W, Pamparana G, Haas J. Integrating sustainable energy sources into a Semi-Autogenous Grinding mill: a simulated case study accounting for spatial variability of ore grindability. In Kingston, Canada: Annual meeting of the GAC/MAC; 2017.
- Haas J, Schradi J, Nowak W. Performance of Optimization Heuristics for the Operational Planning of Multienergy Storage Systems. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: GC51C-1162. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: GC51C-1162).
- T. H. Mai, W. Nowak RK, Oladyshkin S. Uncertainty quantification for a hydro-morphodynamic model of river Rhine. In: General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-5701-3, 2016. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2016. (General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-5701-3, 2016).
- Most S, Bolster D, Bijeljic B, Nowak W. Coarse Graining of Non-Fickian Solute Transport – PTRW on Smoothed Velocity Fields. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51D-1501. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51D-1501).
- Cihan A, Birkholzer JT, Trevisan L, González-Nicolás A, Illangasekare T. Importance of considering hysteresis in macroscopic models of two-phase flow in porous media. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51B-1446. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51B-1446).
- González-Nicolás A, Cihan A, Birkholzer JT, Petrusak R, Zhou Q, Riestenberg DE, u. a. Adaptive management for subsurface pressure and plume control in application to geological CO2 storage. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H41B-1306. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H41B-1306).
- Höge M, Wöhling T, Nowak W. On the Way to Appropriate Model Complexity. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: NG13A-1683. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: NG13A-1683).
- Most S, Jia N, Bijeljic B, Nowak W. Simulating Pre-Asymptotic, Non-Fickian Transport Although Doing Simple Random Walks - Supported By Empirical Pore-Scale Velocity Distributions and Memory Effects. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51D-1502. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51D-1502).
- Most S, Bijeljic B, Nowak W. Let’s move to spheres! Why a spherical coordinate system is rewarding when analyzing particle increment statistics. In: General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 18. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2016. (General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 18).
- Schulte D, Rühaak W, Welsch B, Oladyshkin S, Sass I. Optimization of borehole heat exchanger arrays. Energy Storages. In: General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-8405-1, 2016. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2016. (General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-8405-1, 2016).
- Bode F, Nowak W, Reed PM, Reuschen S. Putting Man in the Machine: Exploiting Expertise to Enhance Multiobjective Design of Water Supply Monitoring Network. In: Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51A-1413. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2016. (Fall Meeting 2016, Abstract: H51A-1413).
- Cabrera E, Schneider A, Wefringhaus E, Rabanal J, Ferrada P, Thaller D, u. a. Advancements in the development of “AtaMo”: A solar module adapted for the climate conditions of the Atacama Desert in Chile – The impact of soiling and abrasion. In: 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. Munich, Germany; 2016. (32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition).
- Telsnig T, Potz C, Haas J, Eltrop L, Palma-Behnke R. Opportunities to Integrate Solar Technologies into the Chilean Lithium Mining Industry – Reducing Process Related GHG Emissions of a Strategic Storage Resource. In: 22nd SolarPACES International Conference. Abu Dhabi, UAE: AIP Proceedings; 2016. (22nd SolarPACES International Conference).
- Schöniger A, Illman WA, Wöhling T, Nowak W. Which level of model complexity is justified by your data? A Bayesian answer. In: General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2016-12413, 2016. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2016. (General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20: EGU2016-12413, 2016).
- Bode F, Reuschen S, Nowak W. Never Use the Complete Search Space: A Concept to Enhance the Optimization Procedure for Monitoring Networks. In: Fall Meeting 2015, Abstract: IN11B-1774. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2015. (Fall Meeting 2015, Abstract: IN11B-1774).
- Schöniger A, Wöhling T, Samaniego L, Nowak W. On the various (good and bad) ways to evaluate Bayesian model weights. In: General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-2084-2, 2015. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2015. (General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-2084-2, 2015).
- Hlawatsch M, Oladyshkin S, Weiskopf D. Employing Model Reduction for Uncertainty Visualization in the Context of CO$_2$ Storage Simulation. Visualization for Decision Making Under Uncertainty. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium. Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE VIS 2015 Conference; 2015. (SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium).
- Most S, Bijeljic B, Nowak W. One Hundred Ways to be Non-Fickian - A Rigorous Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis of Pore-Scale Transport. In: General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-11212, 2015. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2015. (General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-11212, 2015).
- Agada S, Geiger S, Elsheikh AH, Mackay E, Oladyshkin S. Reduced Order Models for Rapid EOR Simulation in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers; 2015. S. SPE-173205. (SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium).
- G’omez-Hernández JJ, Xu T. Inverse Sequential Simulation-inversion by Conditioning. In: Petroleum Geostatistics 2015. 2015. (Petroleum Geostatistics 2015).
- Bode F, Loschko M, Nowak W. How to Decide? Multi-Objective Early-Warning Monitoring Networks for Water Suppliers. In: General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-9270, 2015. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2015. (General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-9270, 2015).
- Sinsbeck M, Tartakovsky D. Impact of Data Assimilation on Cost-Accuracy Tradeoff in Multi-Fidelity Models at the Example of an Infiltration Problem. In: General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-11902, 2015. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2015. (General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-11902, 2015).
- Nowak W, Wöhling T, Schöniger A. Lessons learned from a past series of Bayesian model averaging studies for soil/plant models. In: General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-10293-1, 2015. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2015. (General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: EGU2015-10293-1, 2015).
- Namhata A, Dilmore R, Oladyshkin S, Zhang L, Nakles DV. Modeling, Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis of Subsurface Fluid Migration in the Above Zone Monitoring Interval of a Geologic Carbon Storage Site. In: Fall Meeting 2015, Abstract: H51U-05. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2015. (Fall Meeting 2015, Abstract: H51U-05).
- Most S, Bijeljic B, Nowak W. A Full Empirical Description of Mixing and Dilution - The Fingerprint of Non-Fickian Mixing. In: Fall Meeting 2015, Abstract: H51F-1429. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2015. (Fall Meeting 2015, Abstract: H51F-1429).
- Most S, Bijeljic B, Nowak W. Is There a Critical Distance for Fickian Transport? - a Statistical Approach to Sub-Fickian Transport Modelling in Porous Media. In: Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H23B-0868. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2014. (Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H23B-0868).
- Elsheikh AH, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W, Christie M. Estimating the probability of CO_2 leakage using rare event simulation. In: ECMOR XIV-14th European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery. 2014. S. We B25. (ECMOR XIV-14th European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery).
- González-Nicolás A, Baú D. Detection of leaky caprock areas in carbon geological storage by pressure data assimilation. In Stuttgart, Germany: XX. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR); 2014.
- Schöniger A, Wöhling T, Nowak W. How reliable is Bayesian model averaging under noisy data? Statistical assessment and implications for robust model selection. In: General Assembly 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16: EGU2014-2211, 2014. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2014. (General Assembly 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16: EGU2014-2211, 2014).
- Zhang Y, Oladyshkin S, Y YL, Pau GSH. Comparison of Applying four Reduced Order Models to a Global Sensitivity Analysis. In: Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H31J-0761. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2014. (Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H31J-0761).
- Schöniger A, Wöhling T, Nowak W. How to address measurement noise in Bayesian model averaging. In: Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H23K-1017. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2014. (Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H23K-1017).
- Bode F, Loschko M, Nowak W. A Risk-Based Multi-Objective Optimization Concept for Early-Warning Monitoring Networks. In: Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H23K-1023. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2014. (Fall Meeting 2014, Abstract: H23K-1023).
- Schröder P, Class H, Nowak W. On combination of strict Bayesian principles with model reduction technique or how stochastic model calibration can become feasible for large-scale applications. In: Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H24F-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2014. (Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H24F-02).
- Geiges A, Nowak W, Rubin Y. Challenges for the sequential interaction between optimal design of field campaign and model calibration for non-linear systems. In: Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H24F-03. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2013. (Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H24F-03).
- Bode F, Binning P, Nowak W. What Factors Coordinate the Optimal Position of a Single Monitoring Well Down Gradient of a Hazardous Site. In: Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H21I-1175. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2013. (Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H21I-1175).
- Wöhling T, Geiges A, Nowak W, Gayler S. Evaluating experimental design for soil-plant model selection using a Bootstrap Filter and Bayesian model averaging. In: Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H33J-03. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2013. (Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H33J-03).
- Oladyshkin S, Schröder P, Class H, Nowak W. Chaos Expansion Based Bootstrap Filter To Calibrate CO2 Injection Models. In: General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15: EGU2013-3214, 2013. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2013. (General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15: EGU2013-3214, 2013).
- Schöniger A, Wöhling WNT. Do Bayesian model weights tell the whole story? New analysis and optimal design tools for maximum-confidence model selection. In: Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H33J-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2013. (Fall Meeting 2013, Abstract: H33J-02).
- Geiges A, Nowak W. A reverse analysis framework for the assessment of data worth in optimal design. In: Fall Meeting 2012, Abstract: H11K-05. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2012. (Fall Meeting 2012, Abstract: H11K-05).
- Enzenhöfer R, Rodriguez-Pretelin A, Nowak W. Transient flow conditions in probabilistic wellhead protection: importance and ways to manage spatial and temporal uncertainty in capture zone delineation. In: Fall Meeting 2012, Abstract: H33I-1443. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2012. (Fall Meeting 2012, Abstract: H33I-1443).
- Ashraf M, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W. Geological storage of CO$_2$: sensitivity analysis and risk assessment using arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion. In: General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-9243, 2012. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2012. (General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-9243, 2012).
- Nowak W. Recent Advances in Optimizing Field Campaigns. In: General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-9365, 2012. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2012. (General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-9365, 2012).
- Koch J, Nowak W, de Barros FPJ, Dentz M. Three-dimensional Scalar Mixing in Porous Media - Flow Heterogeneity and Mixing Enhancement. In: General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-12189, 2012. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2012. (General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-12189, 2012).
- Mehne J, Nowak W. Optimization of Pilot Point Locations for Conditional Simulation of Heterogeneous Aquifers. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H23D-1298. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H23D-1298).
- Oladyshkin S, Class H, Helmig R, Nowak W. Efficient Bayesian updating with PCE-based particle filters based on polynomial chaos expansion and CO$_2$ storage. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: GC51A-0928. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: GC51A-0928).
- González-Nicolás A, Cody B, Baú D. Influence of Uncertain Parameters on the Leakage of CO2 to Overlying Formations. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H51G-1278. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H51G-1278).
- Geiges A, Nowak W. Optimal Design of site investigation: Entropy based Utility functions and efficient implementations. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H21H-04. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H21H-04).
- de Barros FPJ, Oladyshkin S, Nowak W. An integrative data-adaptive approach for global sensitivity analysis: application to subsurface flow and transport. In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-11206, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-11206, 2011).
- de Barros FPJ, Dentz M, Koch J, Nowak W. Vortex Induced-Mixing in Heterogeneous Porous Media. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H31E-1212. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H31E-1212).
- Koch J, Nowak W, Bardossy A. Identification and simulation of contaminant source architecture. In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7522, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7522, 2011).
- Oladyshkin S, Class H, Helmig R, Nowak W. Data-driven framework for history matching: application to carbon dioxide storage in geological formations. In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-11137, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-11137, 2011).
- Cody B, González-Nicolás A, Baú D. CCS Site Optimization by Applying a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm to Semi-Analytical Leakage Models. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H21H-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H21H-02).
- Enzenhöfer R, Nowak W, Helmig R. Risk management with probabilistic advective-dispersive well vulnerability criteria. In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7822, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7822, 2011).
- Enzenhöfer R, Nowak W. Rational risk-based decision support for drinking water well managers by optimized monitoring designs. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H13B-1191. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H13B-1191).
- Leube P, Nowak W, Schneider G. Temporal Moments revisited: Why there is there no better way for physically-based model reduction in time. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H23D-1314. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H23D-1314).
- Leube P, Nowak W. Temporal Moments revised, or is there a better way for physically-based model reduction in time? In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-6756, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-6756, 2011).
- Enzenhöfer R, Nowak W. Risikomanagement im Grundwasserschutzgebiet - Ein präventives probabilistisches Trinkwasserschutzkonzept. In: Steinmetz H, Herausgeber. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für die Wasserversorgung - Wettbewerb, Versorgungssicherheit, Innovation, Effizienzsteigerung. Oldenbourg Industrieverlag, München; 2011. S. 41–63. (Steinmetz H, Reihenherausgeber. Herausforderungen und Lösungen für die Wasserversorgung - Wettbewerb, Versorgungssicherheit, Innovation, Effizienzsteigerung; Bd. 206).
- Cody B, González-Nicolás A, Baú D. Optimization by Applying a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm to Semi-Analytical Leakage ModelsOptimization by Applying a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm to Semi-Analytical Leakage Models. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H21H-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H21H-02).
- Enzenhöefer R, Nowak W. Strategic Asset Management of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure. In Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany: nternational Water Association (IWA); 2011.
- Nowak W, Rubin Y, de Barros FPJ. Optimizing field investigation strategies to answer research hypotheses. In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7582, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7582, 2011).
- Geiges A, Nowak W. A reverse engineering approach to optimal design of site investigation schemes and monitoring networks. In: General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7612, 2011. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2011. (General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: EGU2011-7612, 2011).
- Koch J, Nowak W, Bardossy A. Contaminant source architecture (CSA) identification and simulation. In: Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H33J-08. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2011. (Fall Meeting 2011, Abstract: H33J-08).
- Kokkinaki A, Sleep BE, Chambers JE, Cirpka OA, Nowak W. On the value of incorporating spatial statistics in large-scale geophysical inversions: the QSABRe case. In: Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H11E-0858. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010. (Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H11E-0858).
- Oladyshkin S, Class H, Helmig R, Nowak W. Probabilistic risk assessment for $CO_2$ storage in geological formations: robust design and support for decision making under uncertainty. In: General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts 12: EGU2010-3559, 2010. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2010. (General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts 12: EGU2010-3559, 2010).
- Sanchez-Vila X, de Barros FPJ, Bolster D, Nowak W. Divide and Conquer: A Valid Approach for Risk Assessment and Decision Making under Uncertainty for Groundwater-Related Diseases. In: Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H41L-05. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010. (Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H41L-05).
- de Barros FPJ, Nowak W. Identifying Contaminant Release Conditions to Reduce Uncertainty in Plume Spreading and Dilution in Heterogeneous Aquifers. In: Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR). XVIII International Conference on Water Resources; 2010. (Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR)).
- Nowak W, de Barros FPJ, Cirpka OA. Enhanced dilution and transverse mixing due to flow focusing: a stochastic-analytical approach. In: Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H54C-06. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010. (Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H54C-06).
- Enzenhöfer R, Helmig R, Nowak W, Binning PJ. Uncertainty in Model parameter Estimates and Impacts on Risk and Decision Making in the Subsurface. In: Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H42D-05. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010. (Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H42D-05).
- Leube P, Geiges A, Nowak W. A flexible Bayesian assessment for the expected impact of data on prediction confidence for optimal sampling designs. In: General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts 12: EGU2010-12375, 2010. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2010. (General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts 12: EGU2010-12375, 2010).
- Enzenhöfer R, Nowak W, Helmig R. Using probabilistic well vulnerability criteria for a risk-based preventive drinking water safety concept. In: Schirmer M, Hoehn E, Vogt T, Herausgeber. Conceptual and Modelling Studies of Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Systems. Zurich, Switzerland: IAHS Press; 2010. S. (Schirmer M, Hoehn E, Vogt T, Reihenherausgeber. Conceptual and Modelling Studies of Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Systems; Bd. 342).
- Rubin Y, Nowak W, de Barros FPJ. A Task-oriented Approach for Hydrogeological Site Characterization. In: Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H41L-06. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010. (Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H41L-06).
- Oladyshkin S, Class H, Helmig R, Nowak W. Data-driven robust design and probabilistic risk assessment: application to underground carbon dioxide storage. In: Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H41L-03. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2010. (Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract: H41L-03).
- Troldborg M, Nowak W, Binning PJ, Løgstrup PB, Helmig R. Uncertainty estimation of the mass discharge from a contaminated site using a fully Bayesian framework. In: Schirmer M, Hoehn E, Vogt T, Herausgeber. Seventh International Groundwater Quality Conference: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World (GQ10). Zurich, Switzerland: IAHS Press; 2010. S. (Schirmer M, Hoehn E, Vogt T, Reihenherausgeber. Seventh International Groundwater Quality Conference: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World (GQ10); Bd. 342).
- Enzenhöfer R, Helmig R, Nowak W, Binning PJ. Risk assessment in fractured porous media with particular reference to water catchments. In: General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-10661-1, 2009. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2009. (General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-10661-1, 2009).
- Nowak W, de Barros FPJ, Rubin Y. Bayesian Geostatistical Design: Optimal Site Investigation When the Geostatistical Model is Uncertain. In: General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-45565, 2009. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2009. (General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-45565, 2009).
- de Barros FPJ, Nowak W, Rubin Y. Uncertainty of human health risk predictions under different site exploration strategies. In: Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract: H13B-0934. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2009. (Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract: H13B-0934).
- Nowak W. Using Ensemble Kalman Filters for Bayesian Geostatistical Inversion. In: Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract: H53N-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2009. (Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract: H53N-02).
- Nowak W. A hypothesis-driven approach to site investigation. In: Fall Meeting 2008, Abstract: H53F-1485. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2008. (Fall Meeting 2008, Abstract: H53F-1485).
- Neuweiler I, Nowak W. Relation Between Connected Patterns in Heterogeneous Soil Parameter Fields and Solute Transport Models in the Unsaturated Zone. In: Fall Meeting 2007, Abstract: H34E-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2007. (Fall Meeting 2007, Abstract: H34E-02).
- Schwede RL, Nowak W, Cirpka OA. Impact of Sampling Volume on the Probability Density Function of Steady-State Concentration. In: Fall Meeting 2007, Abstract: H14C-02. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2007. (Fall Meeting 2007, Abstract: H14C-02).
- Nowak W, Schwede RL, Cirpka OA, Neuweiler I. Probability Density Functions of Hydraulic Head and Velocity in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media. In: Fall Meeting 2007, Abstract: H23G-1691. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2007. (Fall Meeting 2007, Abstract: H23G-1691).
- Cirpka OA, Nowak W, Bürger CM. Linearized uncertainty propagation, geostatistical inversing, and data-worth analysis in heterogeneous aquifers. In: General Assembly 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7: 01539, 2005. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2005. (General Assembly 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7: 01539, 2005).
- Li W, Nowak W, Cirpka OA. Geostatistical inversing of transient pumping tests using temporal moments of drawdown. In: General Assembly 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7: 02215, 2005. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU); 2005. (General Assembly 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7: 02215, 2005).
- Nowak W, Cirpka OA. Geostatistical Inversion of Conductivity and Dispersivities for Hydraulic Heads and Tracer Data from a Sandbox Experiment. In: Fall Meeting 2005, Abstract: H21G-03. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2005. (Fall Meeting 2005, Abstract: H21G-03).
- Oladyshkin S, Panfilov M. Two-phase flow with phase transitions in porous media: instability of stationary solutions and a semi-stationary model. In: Third Biot Conference on Poromechanics. Norman, OK, USA; 2005. S. 529–35. (Third Biot Conference on Poromechanics; Bd. Procs POROMECHANICS-3, ISBN: 0415380413).
- Cirpka OA, Nowak W, Jose SC. Effective Dispersion in Heterogeneous Media: Comparison between Experiments, Inverse Modeling, and First-Order Theory. In: Fall Meeting 2004, Abstract: H13H-06. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2004. (Fall Meeting 2004, Abstract: H13H-06).
- Cirpka OA, Nowak W. First-order variance of solute travel time in non-stationary media. In: Fall Meeting 2003, Abstract: H11G-0920. San Francisco, CA, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2003. (Fall Meeting 2003, Abstract: H11G-0920).
- Nowak W, Cirpka OA. Efficient computational methods for iterative cokriging. In: World Water and Environmental Resources Congress (WWER) 2003: Groundwater Quality Modeling an Management Under Uncertainty. Philadelphia, PA, USA: ASCE; 2003. S. 112–21. (World Water and Environmental Resources Congress (WWER) 2003: Groundwater Quality Modeling an Management Under Uncertainty).
- Cirpka OA, Nowak W. Influence of Geostatistical Interpolation of Log-Hydraulic Conductivity on Dispersion and Mixing. In: Bridging the Gap between Measurement and Modeling in Heterogeneous Media. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA. USA: International Groundwater Symposium; 2002. (Bridging the Gap between Measurement and Modeling in Heterogeneous Media).