Milestone-Präsentation von Maziar Veyskarami im Rahmen von DROPIT
Maziar Veyskarami ist Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung und Doktorand im internationalen Graduiertenkolleg "Dropit". Im Rahmen des Kick-Off Meetings für die zweite Förderphase des Graduiertenkollegs hat er am 8. September 2021 an der Universität Bergamo erfolgreich seine Milestone-Präsentation abgelegt.
Tag: Mittwoch, 8. September 2021
Uhrzeit: 14.40 Uhr
Ort: Universität Bergamo
Titel: "Coupled free flow-porous media flow processes including drop formation"
Betreuer: Rainer Helmig (Universität Stuttgart), Carina Bringedal (Universität Stuttgart), Maurizio Santini (Universität Bergamo)
Droplet formation at the interface between a porous medium and the adjacent free flow domain occurs in many technical applications such as water management in fuel cells, cooling systems, membrane emulsification, membrane filtration and thermal insulation of buildings. Droplet formation increases the complexity of the system through turning a simple interface to a complex interface, which not only handles the exchange between the free flow and the porous medium, but also stores mass and energy. Such a complex interface must be able to capture the droplet dynamics and their impacts on the interaction between the free flow and the porous medium. Depending on the surrounding flow conditions, the drop might spread and merge, or be detached by the free flow.
In this project, we aim to examine how the formation of multiple droplets on the interface between a single phase multi-component free flow and a multi-phase multi-component porous medium impacts the whole coupled system through affecting the coupling conditions. In order to do that, we use a pore network model to describe the fluid flow in porous medium which enables us to capture the pore-scale properties in the porous media. The Navier-Stokes equations describe the fluid flow in the free flow domain. Describing the impact of the droplet on the free flow domain and the porous medium, a new set of coupling conditions between the two domains are developed to include the droplet dynamics such as the droplet formation, growth and detachment on the interface. The simulation results of the developed model for the formation and growth of single droplet are compared with the experimental data provided in collaboration with our colleagues at the University of Bergamo. Furthermore, the developed model is employed to predict the detachment of a single droplet by the free flow and the results are compared with the simulations using ANSYS Fluent. Finally, the ability of the new developed model to handle multiple droplets at the interface is examined.