Zeit: |
10. Mai 2012 |
Referent*in: |
Dr. Anna Scotti
Modelling and Scientific Computing, Politecnico di Milano |
Veranstaltungsort: |
Pfaffenwaldring 61, Raum U1.003 (MML), Universität Stuttgart
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Fractures can influence subsurface flows at a variety of space scales. We focus our attention on large fractures and faults which can play an important role in problems such as groundwater contamination, CO2 storage or oil migration, acting as barriers or conduitsfor the flow. We employ a method based on the reduction of the fractures to 2D interfacesimmersed in a 3D domain. This choice is motivated by fact that, at basinscale, the width of fractures and faults is very small compared to the typical mesh size.We allow the 2D interfaces to be non-matching with the computational grid resorting toan XFEM approximation to represent discontinuities across the fractures and solve the coupled problem for the flow in the fracture and in the surrounding porous medium. This approach has been also extended to the problems of passive transport, two-phase flow and to the case of networks of fractures.