This image shows Silke Wieprecht

Silke Wieprecht

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of Department
Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems
Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management


+49 711 685 64461
+49 64746

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 61
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 0.927

Office Hours

Upon agreement per e-mail.


My profile in C@mpus: Silke Wieprecht

  • Advanced Studies in Hydraulic Structures
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  • Bauwerke zur Wasser- und Energienutzung
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  • Case Study in Hydraulic Structures
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  • Einführung Wasserkraft - Erneuerbare Energien
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  • Environmental Impact Assessment
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  • Fließgewässerökologie in der Ingenieurpraxis
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  • Gewässerkunde / Gewässernutzung
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  • Hydraulisch-sedimentologische Messungen
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  • Interpartikuläre Kohäsion von Feinsedimenten an Grenzflächen
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  • Literaturstudie "Biochemische Adhäsion und Wechselwirkungen im kohäsiven Material (Literatur, Schriften, Vorträge)"
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  • Literaturstudie "Interpartikuläre Kohäsion von Feinsedimenten an Grenzflächen (Literaturstudium, Auswertung"
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  • Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung im Wasserbau
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  • Wasserbau an Flüssen und Kanälen
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  • Wasserbau und Wasserkraft
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  • Wasserbauexkursionen

More information and lectures can be found here.

Since 2021: Vice Rector for Diversity and Internationalization

2018: Visiting Professor at UiTM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2016: Research at UiTM, Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia

2010: Research at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU Trondheim, Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering

Since 2003: Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of  Stuttgart

1996 - 2000: Freelance work as a consulting engineer in the field of hydraulic research, hydraulics and hydrology specialized in river morphology, sediment transport and physical modelling

1998: PhD, University of Federal Armed Forces Munich (Germany)

1991 - 1996: Scientific assistant, Institute of Hydromechanics and Hydrology, University of Federal Armed Forces Munich

1991: Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.) in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR):

2017 - 2021: Vice-president of the IAHR (International Association for Hydro- Environment Engineering and Research)

2013 - 2017: Member of the IAHR World Council (International Association for Hydro- Environment Engineering and Research)

2011 - 2015: Member of the European Division of IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research)

Since 2008: Advisor of the Baden-Württemberg Young Professional Network der International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)

German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA):

Since 2020: Chairwoman of the DWA steering committee “Hydraulic Engineering and Hydropower”

2006 - 2022: Head of the DWA board WW 1 ”River Engineering”

2004 - 2011: Member of the DWA board WW 2.1 „Sediment Management in River Catchments“

2002 - 2020: Vice head of the DWA board WW2 “Sediment Transport in Rivers”

1996 - 2005: Member of the DWA workgroup WW 2.4 „Sediment Transport Models in Rivers”

Since 1993: Member of the DWA Board WW 2 “Sediment Transport in Rivers”

Wasserwirtschaftsverband Baden-Württemberg (WBW):

Since 2008: Member of the Management Board

Since 2006: Member of the Advisory Council

Other professional associations:

Since 2013: Member of the WASER Council (World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research)

Scholarship selection committees:

2015 - 2019: Head of the selection committee of Georg-Forster fellowship program of Alexander von Humboldt foundation

2011 - 2019: Member of the selection committee of Georg-Forster fellowship program of Alexander von Humboldt foundation

2010 - 2017: Member of the selection committee of DAAD fellowship programs „Afghanistan, Pakistan“ and “Management of Sustainable Water Resources


Since 2021: Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecohydraulics

Since 2015: Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research (JAWER)

Since 2011: Associate Editor of the International Journal of Sediment Research

Reviewer for different scientific journals, such as, Aquatic Science; Geomorphology; Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung; International Journal of Sediment Research; Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research; Journal of Hydraulic Research; Journal of River Basin Management; Journal of Ecohydraulics; Limnologica; Sedimentology; Water International etc.


2013 -2020: Patron for the Student Exchange Programme between the Universities of Stuttgart and Cardiff, Great Britain

2008 - 2021: Course Coordinator of the International Master´s Program WAREM (Water Resources Engineering and Management)

2006 - 2010: Vice-dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Stuttgart

2023: Best paper award of the University of Stuttgart for An interdisciplinary model chain quantifies the footprint of global change on reservoir sedimentation. Nature: Sci Rep 13, 20160 (2023).

2019: Qian Ning Prize, World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER), awarded for outstanding research achievements on erosion and sedimentation

SoSe 2014: University of Stuttgart Environmental Engineering teaching award for best lecture

SoSe 2012: University of Stuttgart Environmental Engineering teaching award for best lecture

SoSe 2009: University of Stuttgart Environmental Engineering teaching award for best lecture

SoSe 2008: University of Stuttgart Environmental Engineering teaching award for best lecture


  1. (Journal-) Articles

    1. Görtz, J., Aouad, M., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2022). Assessment of pumped hydropower energy storage potential along rivers and shorelines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 165, 112027.
    2. Görtz, J., Zafar, A., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2021). Aperture and permeability of aged concrete joints. Construction and Building Materials, 307, 124783.
    3. Görtz, J., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2021). Dual Permeability Modelling of Concrete Joints. Construction and Building Materials, 302, 124090.
    4. Görtz, J., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2021). Coupled model for crack-moisture interaction in brittle porous materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 224.
    5. Beckers, F., Heredia, A., Noack, M., Nowak, W., Wieprecht, S., & Oladyshkin, S. (2020). Bayesian Calibration and Validation of a Large-Scale and Time-Demanding Sediment Transport Model. Water Resources Research, 56(7), Article 7.
    6. Shoarinezhad, V., Wieprecht, S., & Haun, S. (2020). Comparison of Local and Global Optimization Methods for Calibration of a 3D Morphodynamic Model of a Curved Channel. Water.
    7. Beckers, F., Inskeep, C., Haun, S., Schmid, G., Wieprecht, S., & Noack, M. (2020). High spatio-temporal resolution measurements of cohesive sediment erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms - Wiley Online Library, 45(11), Article 11.
    8. Mester, B., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2020). Creating the perfect surfing wave - Are experimental investigations helpful in practice?,Der Weg zur perfekten Surfwelle - helfen experimentelle Untersuchungen der Praxis? WasserWirtschaft, 110(7–8), Article 7–8.
    9. Mayar, M. A., Schmid, G., Wieprecht, S., & Noack, M. (2020). Proof-of-Concept for Nonintrusive and Undisturbed Measurement of Sediment Infiltration Masses Using Gamma-Ray Attenuation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146(5), Article 5.
    10. Mayar, M. A., Schmid, G., Wieprecht, S., & Noack, M. (2019). Optimizing vertical profile measurements setup of gamma ray attenuation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 164.
    11. Seitz, L., Lenz, I., Noack, M., Wieprecht, S., & Haas, C. (2019). Colmation - An underrated factor for waterbody assessment?,Kolmation - Eine unterschätzte Größe in der Gewässerbewertung? WasserWirtschaft, 109(2–3), Article 2–3.
    12. Noack, M., Schmid, G., Beckers, F., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). PHOTOSED--PHOTOgrammetric Sediment Erosion Detection. Geosciences, 8.
    13. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Wieprecht, S., Thom, M., Paterson, D., & Scheffler, M. (2018). New insights into MagPI - a promising tool to determine adhesive capacity of biofilm on the mesosccale. Biofouling.
    14. Beckers, F., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). Uncertainty analysis of a 2D sediment transport model: an example of the Lower River Salzach. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18(10), Article 10.
    15. Noack, M., Beckers, F., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). Investigation the stability of reservoir sediments in the lab and field. MATEC Web of Conferences, 246.
    16. Beckers, F., Haun, S., Gerbersdorf, S. U., Noack, M., Dietrich, D., Martin-Creuzburg, D., Peeters, F., Hofmann, H., Glaser, R., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). CHARM - CHAllenges of Reservoir Management - Meeting Environmental And Social Requirements. Hydrolink, 3.
    17. Stolz, D., Görtz, J., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2018). The influence of different thermal boundary conditions on the temperature distribution in concrete gravity dams,Influence de différentes conditions thermiques aux limites sur la distribution de températeur des barrages-poids en béton. 26th International Congress on Large Dams, 2018, 572–593.
    18. Schäfer Rodrigues Silva, A., Noack, M., Schlabing, D., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). A data-driven fuzzy approach to simulate the critical shear stress of mixed cohesive/non-cohesive sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18(10), Article 10.
    19. Seitz, L., Haas, C., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). From picture to porosity of river bed material using Structure-from-Motion with Multi-View-Stereo. Geomorphology, 306.
    20. Kramer, M., Terheiden, K., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). Pumps as turbines for efficient energy recovery in water supply networks. Renewable Energy, 122.
    21. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Wieprecht, S., Thom, M., Paterson, D. M., & Scheffler, M. (2018). New insights into MagPI: a promising tool to determine the adhesive capacity of biofilm on the mesoscale. Biofouling, 34(6), Article 6.
    22. Wieprecht, S. (2018). Preface. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 6(4), Article 4.
    23. Schmidt, H., Thom, M., Wieprecht, S., Manz, W., & Gerbersdorf, S. U. (2018). The effect of light intensity and shear stress on microbial biostabilization and the community composition of natural biofilms. Research and Reports in Biology, 9, Article 9.
    24. Steinmetz, H., Krauß, M., Kuch, B., Azizi, N., Minke, R., Seitz, L., & Wieprecht, S. (2018). Development of concepts of drinking water protection in rural areas of China influenced by rubber cultivation,Entwicklung von Trinkwasserschutzkonzepten im vom Kautschukanbau beeinflussten ländlichen Raum Chinas. Wasser Und Abfall, 20(5), Article 5.
    25. Seitz, L., Wieprecht, S., Krauß, M., Azizi, N., & Steinmetz, H. (2017). Reduction of fine sediment infiltration into rivers by implementing riparian buffer strips in an agricultural dominated area in Southwest China. River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, 1354.
    26. Kikillus, A., Seitz, L., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). Long-term numerical investigations of the effects of training structures in a river reach with ongoing river bed deepening. River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, 640–647.
    27. Schäfer Rodrigues, A., Noack, M., Schlabing, D., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). A data-driven fuzzy approach to simulate the critical shear stress of mixed cohesive/non-cohesive sediments. Journal of Soils & Sediments.
    28. Beckers, F., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). Uncertainty analysis of a 2D sediment transport model: an example of the Lower River Salzach. Journal of Soils & Sediments.
    29. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Schmidt, H., Thom, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). Microbial biostabilization and flocculation ? What can we learn for sediment transport modelling? River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, 855.
    30. Kramer, M., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2017). Minimising the air demand of micro-hydro impulse turbines in counter pressure operation. Energy, 133, 1027–1034.
    31. Wieprecht, S., Haun, S., Weber, K., Noack, M., & Terheiden, K. (2017). Preface. River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, XVII–XVIII.
    32. Beckers, F., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). Reliability analysis of a 2D sediment transport model: An example of the lower river Salzach. River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, 147–152.
    33. Thom, M., Schmidt, H., Wieprecht, S., & Gerbersdorf, S. U. (2017). The role of surface adhesion in biostabilization processes. River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, 937–942.
    34. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). Creating and maintaining storage space - Flexible management is needed,Stauraum schaffen und erhalten ? flexibles Management ist gefragt. GWF, Wasser - Abwasser, 158(10), Article 10.
    35. Sadid, N., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). An overview of hydro-sedimentological characteristics of intermittent rivers in Kabul region of Kabul river basin. International Journal of River Basin Management, 15(4).
    36. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). Stauraum schaffen und erhalten - flexibles Management ist gefragt. GWF-Wasser/Abwasser, 10.
    37. Noack, M., Ortlepp, J., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). An Approach to Simulate Interstitial Habitat Conditions During the Incubation Phase of Gravel-Spawning Fish. River Research and Applications, 33(2), Article 2.
    38. Yi, Y., Cheng, X., Yang, Z., Wieprecht, S., Zhang, S., & Wu, Y. (2017). Evaluating the ecological influence of hydraulic projects: A review of aquatic habitat suitability models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 748–762.
    39. Schäfer Rodrigues Silva, A., Noack, M., Schlabing, D., & Wieprecht, S. (2017). A data-driven fuzzy approach to simulate the critical shear stress of cohesive sediments. River Sedimentation - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016, 387–393.
    40. Noack, M., Ortlepp, J., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). An approach to simulate interstitial habitat conditions during the incubation phase of gravel-spawning fish. River Research and Applications.
    41. Kramer, M., Terheiden, K., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). Safety criteria for the trafficability of inundated roads in urban floodings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 17, Article 17.
    42. Schmidt, H., Thom, M., King, L., Wieprecht, S., & Gerbersdorf, S. U. (2016). The effect of seasonality upon the development of lotic biofilms and microbial biostabilisation. Freshwater Biology, 61.
    43. Noack, M., Schmid, G., Thom, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). Testing ?Structure-from-Motion? photogrammetry for high-resolution topographic surveys in hydraulic laboratories. River Flow - Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2016, 630–636.
    44. Birkmann, J., Wenzel, F., Greiving, S., Garschagen, M., Vallée, D., Nowak, W., Welle, T., Faigle, B., Goris, A., Rilling, B., Friedrich, F., Fekete, A., Susan, L., Düzgün, S., Ley, A., Friedrich, M., Kuhlmann, U., Novák, B., Wieprecht, S., & Riegel, C. (2016). Extreme Events, Critical Infrastructures, Human Vulnerability and Strategic Planning: Emerging Research Issues. Journal of Extreme Events, 2.
    45. Sadid, N., Beckers, F., Noack, M., Haun, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). An evolution volume balance approach to determine relevant discharge threshold for bed load transport. GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, none, 307–318.
    46. Kramer, M., Wieprecht, S., & Terheiden, K. (2016). Penetration depth of plunging liquid jets - A data driven modelling approach. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 76.
    47. Noack, M., Hillebrand, G., Seidenkranz, U., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). Untersuchung der Erosionsstabilität kohäsiver Sedimentablagerungen im Wehrkanal der Staustufe Iffezheim, Rhein. Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60 (3).,3_1
    48. Haun, S., Weber, K., Costa, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). Sediment Matter(s) – A report from the ISRS Symposium 2016 – Stuttgart, September 19-22. Hydrolink, 1, 30–31.
    49. Noack, M., Hillebrand, G., Seidenkranz, U., & Wieprecht, S. (2016). Investigation on the erosion stability of cohesive sediment deposits in the weir channel of the barrage Iffezheim, River Rhine,Untersuchung der Erosionsstabilität kohäsiver Sedimentablagerungen im Wehrkanal der Staustufe Iffezheim, Rhein. Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60(3), Article 3.
    50. Gerbersdorf, S. U., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Biostabilization of cohesive sediments: revisiting the role of abiotic conditions, physiology and diversity of microbes, polymeric secretion, and biofilm architecture. Geobiology, 13(Review Artikel), Article Review Artikel. 10.1111/gbi.121
    51. Kramer, M., Terheiden, K., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Optimized design of impulse turbines in the micro-hydro sector concerning air detrainment processes. Energy Journal, 93.
    52. Thom, M., Schmidt, H., Gerbersdorf, S. U., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Seasonal biostabilization and erosion behavior of fluvial biofilms under different hydrodynamic and light conditions. International Journal of Sediment Research, 30(4), Article 4.
    53. Schmidt, H., Thom, M., Matthies, K., Behrens, S., Obst, U., Wieprecht, S., & Gerbersdorf, S. U. (2015). A multi-disciplinarily designed mesocosm to address the complex flow-sediment-ecology tripartite relationship on the microscale. Environmental Sciences Europe, 27.
    54. Noack, M., Gerbersdorf, S. U., Hillebrand, G., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Combining Field and Laboratory Measurements to Determine the Erosion Risk of Cohesive Sediments Best. Water, 7.
    55. Noack, M., Ortlepp, J., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Simulations of spawning habitats for brown trout in an Alpine river reach using a twostage multivariate fuzzy-logical approach. Eco.Mont, 7(2), Article 2.
    56. Haas, C., Noack, M., Stahl, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Physical model to investigate the removal of sand in sediment traps using pressurized aeration,Modellversuch zur Untersuchung des Sandaustrags aus Geröllfängen mittels Druckbelüftung. WasserWirtschaft, 105(6), Article 6.
    57. Haas, C., Noack, M., Stahl, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Modellversuch zur Untersuchung des Sandaustrags aus Geröllfängen mittels Druckbelüftung. Wasserwirtschaft, 6.
    58. Häuser, I., Martin, K., Germer, J., He, P., Blagodatskiy, S., Liu, H., Krauß, M., Rajaona, A., Shi, M., Pelz, S., Langenberger, G., Zhu, C., Cotter, M., Stürz, S., Waibel, H., Steinmetz, H., Wieprecht, S., Fror, O., Ahlheim, M., … Cadisch, G. (2015). Environmental and socio-economic impacts of rubber cultivation in the Mekong region: Challenges for sustainable land use. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 10.
    59. Häuser, I., Martin, K., Germer, J., He, P., Blagodatskiy, S., Liu, H., Krauß, M., Rajaona, A., Shi, M., Langenberger, G., Zhu, C.-D., Cotter, M., Stürz, S., Waibel, H., Steinmetz, H., Wieprecht, S., Ahlheim, M., Aenis, T., & Cadisch, G. (2015). Environmental and socio-economic impacts of rubber cultivation in the Mekong region: challenges for sustainable land use. CAB Reviews, 10(27), Article 27.
    60. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Cimatoribus, C., Class, H., Engesser, K.-H., Helbich, S., Hollert, H., Lange, C., Kranert, M., Metzger, J., Nowak, W., Seiler, T.-B., Steger, K., Steinmetz, H., & Wieprecht, S. (2015). Anthropogenic Trace Compounds (ATCs) in aquatic habitats - Research needs on sources, fate, detection and toxicity to ensure timely elimination strategies and risk management. Environment International, 79, 85–105.
    61. Klumpp, R., Hartmann, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2014). Energy dissipation in an open culvert structure at small flood retention basins (Dry Basins),Energieumwandlung in einem offenen Durchlassbauwerk an kleinen Hochwasserrückhaltebecken (Trockenbecken). WasserWirtschaft, 104(4), Article 4.
    62. Oinam, B., Marx, W., Scholten, T., & Wieprecht, S. (2014). A fuzzy rule base approach for developing a soil protection index map: A case study in the upper awash basin, Ethiopian highlands. Land Degradation and Development, 25(5), Article 5.
    63. Noack, M., Gerbersdorf, S. U., Wieprecht, S., Hillebrand, G., & Kasimir, P. (2014). How to determine the erosion risk of contaminated cohesive sediments best? Putting In situ and laboratory practices to the test. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014, 2235–2242.
    64. Stolz, D., Gebler, T., & Wieprecht, S. (2014). Verarbeitung und Bedeutung von erfassten Messdaten bei vertieften Überprüfungen. Wasserwirtschaft, 41883.
    65. Yi, Y., Cheng, X., Wieprecht, S., & Tang, C. (2014). Comparison of habitat suitability models using different habitat suitability evaluation methods. Ecological Engineering, 71, 335–345.
    66. Stolz, D., Gebler, T., & Wieprecht, S. (2014). Handling and relevance of the recorded measuring data for comprehensive safety checks,Verarbeitung und Bedeutung von erfassten Messdaten bei vertieften überprüfungen. WasserWirtschaft, 104(9), Article 9.
    67. Noack, M., Schneider, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2013). The Habitat Modelling System CASiMiR: A Multivariate Fuzzy Approach and its Applications. Ecohydraulics: An Integrated Approach, 75–91.
    68. Wieprecht, S., Tolossa, H., & Yang, C. T. (2013). A neuro-fuzzy-based modelling approachfor sediment transport computation. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(2), Article 2.
    69. Franke, J., & Wieprecht, S. (2012). Evaluation of barrage failure probability using Bayesian Networks,Bewertung der versagenswahrscheinlichkeit von staustufenstandorten mit Bayesschen Netzen. WasserWirtschaft, 102(1–2), Article 1–2.
    70. Franke, J., & Wieprecht, S. (2012). Bewertung der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeitvon Staustufenstandortenmit Bayesschen Netzen. Wasserwirtschaft, 43497, Article 43497.
    71. Thom, M., Schmidt, H., Wieprecht, S., & Gerbersdorf, S. U. (2012). Physikalische Modellversuche zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Biofilm auf die Sohlenstabilität. Wasserwirtschaft, 6.
    72. Kopecki, I., Cabaltica, A., Ortlepp, J., Schneider, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2012). Assessing ecological impacts of hydropeaking with physical habitat model,Physikalische habitatmodellierung für die bewertung ökologischer auswirkungen des schwellbetriebs. WasserWirtschaft, 102(1–2), Article 1–2.
    73. Tuhtan, J. A., Noack, M., & Wieprecht, S. (2012). Estimating stranding risk due to hydropeaking for juvenile European grayling considering river morphology. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 16(2), Article 2.
    74. Dispert, I., Pohl, C., & Wieprecht, S. (2012). Coupled hydrodynamic and traffic model for evacuation management in flood risk areas. 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, CGJOINT 2012, 549–555.
    75. Thom, M., Schmidt, H., Wieprecht, S., & Gerbersdorf, S. U. (2012). Investigations with physical model tests on the influence of biofilm on bed stability,Physikalische Modellversuche zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Biofilm auf die Sohlenstabilität. WasserWirtschaft, 102(6), Article 6.
    76. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M., Wieprecht, S., Schüttrumpf, H., & Manz, W. (2011). Anthropogenic pollutants affect ecosystem services of freshwater sediments: The need for a “triad plus x” approach. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(6), Article 6.
    77. Gerbersdorf, S. U., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M., Wieprecht, S., Schuettrumpf, H., & Manz, W. (2011). Anthropogenic pollutants affect ecosystem services of freshwater sediments: the need for a “triad plus x” approach. Journal of Soils & Sediments, 11.
    78. Mayer, O., Wieprecht, S., & Fink, T. (2010). Wasser Marsch bei Flaute. Erneuerbare Energien - Das Magazin, 40422.
    79. Franke, J., & Wieprecht, S. (2009). Erfahrungen mit der Klassifizierung von Staustufen gemäß DIN 19700-13. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 2(1), Article 1.
    80. Noack, M., Eisner, A., Wieprecht, S., & Schneider, M. (2008). Auswirkungen von Stauraumspülungen auf die Fließgewässerökologie - Dynamische Habitatmodellierung mit CASiMiR. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 6.
    81. Franke, J., Bliefernicht, J., Wieprecht, S., Blank, P., & Neuschitzer, F. (2008). Elektronische Messdaten - Korrelationsanalysen zur Reaktionszeitermittlung des Sickerwassers an einem Damm mit Innendichtung (No. 9). 98(9), Article 9.
    82. Noack, M., Eisner, A., & Wieprecht, S. (2008). Rinsing processes and their effects on the habitats of spawning fish,Spülprozesse und ihre auswirkungen auf laichfischhabitate. Mitteilungen Der Versuchsanstalt Fur Wasserbau, Hydrologie Und Glaziologie an Der Eidgenossischen Technischen Hochschule Zurich, 207, Article 207.
    83. Franke, J., Bliefernicht, J., Blank, P., Neuschitzer, F., & Wieprecht, S. (2008). Estimating the reaction time of dam seepage water by correlation analysis,Elektronische Messdaten - Korrelationsanalysen zur Reaktionszeitermittlung des Sickerwassers an Einem Damm mit Innendichtung. WasserWirtschaft, 98(9), Article 9.
    84. Franke, J., Bliefernicht, J., Gebler, T., Neuschitzer, F., & Wieprecht, S. (2007). Elektronische Messdaten - statistische Analysen bei einem Staudamm mit Asphaltoberflächendichtung (No. 02_2007). 02_2007, Article 02_2007.
    85. Heimerl, S., Kohler, B., Ruef, A., Markard, J., Schneider, M., Kerle, F., & Wieprecht, S. (2007). Feasibility study of green power certification of hydropower for Germany is finalized,Machbarkeitsstudie für Grün-Strom-Zertifizierung aus Wasserkraft für Deutschland Abgeschlossen. WasserWirtschaft, 97(5), Article 5.
    86. Heimerl, S., Kohler, B., Ruef, A., Markard, J., Schneider, M., Kerle, F., & Wieprecht, S. (2007). Machbarkeitsstudie für Grün-Strom-Zertifizierung aus Wasserkraft für Deutschland abgeschlossen (No. 05_2007). 97(05_2007), Article 05_2007.
    87. Franke, J., Bliefernicht, J., Gebler, T., Neuschitzer, F., & Wieprecht, S. (2007). First advanced analysis of automated measured data of a dam with an asphaltic upstream facing,Elektronische Messdaten - Statistische Analysen bei einem Staudamm mit Asphaltoberflächendichtung. WasserWirtschaft, 97(1–2), Article 1–2.
    88. Wieprecht, S., Eisner, A., & Noack, M. (2006). Modeling approach to simulate habitat dynamics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics - River Flow 2006, 2, 2055–2063.
    89. Kohler, B., Zöller, A., & Wieprecht, S. (2005). Wasserkraft in Baden-Württemberg (No. 3). 111(3), Article 3.
    90. Wieprecht, S. (2005). Habitatsimulation als Werkzeug zur Dynamisierung von Mindestwasserabflüssen (No. 1). 97(1), Article 1.
    91. Wieprecht, S. (2005). Sedimentological and chemical processes during flushing tests at Iffezheim barrage (Rhine river). Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Gongcheng Kexue Ban)/Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 37(SUPPL.), Article SUPPL.
    92. Wieprecht, S., Schneider, M., & Eisner, A. (2005). Prognose des ökologischen Zustands von Fließgewässern mit dem ökohydraulischen Simulationsmodell CASiMiR (No. 3+4/2005). 3+4/2005, Article 3+4/2005.
    93. Eisner, A., Wieprecht, S., & Schneider, M. (2005). Linking fish habitat modeling and sediment transport in running waters. Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Gongcheng Kexue Ban)/Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 37(SUPPL.), Article SUPPL.
    94. Wieprecht, S., & Eisner, A. (2004). Über die Morphologie von natürlichen und anthropogen veränderten Gewässern.
    95. Qian, Z., Ni, J., Xue, A., & Wieprecht, S. (2004). Severity level of no-flow events in the yellow river. Water International, 29(4), Article 4.
    96. Wieprecht, S. (2004). Modell zur Simulation von dynamischen Restwasserabflüssen.
    97. Ni, J. R., Zhang, H. W., Xue, A., Wieprecht, S., & Borthwick, A. G. L. (2004). Modelling of Hyperconcentrated Sediment-Laden Floods in Lower Yellow River (No. 10). 130(10), Article 10.
    98. Ni, J., Zhang, H. W., Xue, A., Wieprecht, S., & Borthwick, A. G. L. (2004). Modeling of hyperconcentrated sediment-laden floods in Lower Yellow River. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 130(10), Article 10.
    99. Bechteler, W., Hartmann, S., & Wieprecht, S. (2001). Isar-Plan München - Physikalisches Modell (No. 1). 91(1), Article 1.
    100. Wieprecht, S. (2001). Morphological Development of a Naturelike Embankment Protection (No. 2). 16(2), Article 2.


  1. S. Wieprecht, “Revitalisierung der Oberen Donau,” Apr. 2005.
  2. S. Wieprecht and A. Eisner, “Danube revitalization at Hundersingen: Hydraulic modelling and engineering design,” Jun. 2005.

supervised student assignements

  1. Fixed renewable energy supply using gravity storage: feasibility study. (2017). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  2. Assessment of a River Rehabilitation Model. (2013). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  3. One Dimensional Hydraulic & Sediment Transport - Modeling of the Lower Volta River. (2013). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  4. Earthquake Analysis for Concrete/masonry gravity dams - A comparison using FE-Software based on various country codes. (2013). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  5. Optimization of wind turbine maintenance strategy by developing a systematic failure analysis method. (2013). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  6. Entwicklung einer GIS-gestützten Methode zur Beurteilung von Änderungen der städtischen Landnutzung hinsichtlich Wasserdargebot, Wasserbedarf und Stadtentwässerung am Beispiel des Distrikts Puente Piedra (Lima, Peru). (2012). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  7. Steigerung der Energieeffizienz durch energetische Bezugsmengenoptimierung in der Stuttgarter Trinkwasserversorgung. (2012). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  8. GIS-gestützte Hochwasserschadenspotenzialanalyse im Raum Backnang. (2012). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  9. Extension of a System Dynamics Pond Model for Irrigation and Fish Farming Management. (2012). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  10. Hydropower forecasting using MIKE 11 model: A case study in South Germany´s small run-of-river hydropower plants. (2012). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  11. Morphodynamic Impact of Irrigation Return Flows on the Receiving River: A Case of Rice Irrigated Fields on the Naban River. (2012). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  12. Pier Scour in Clear-Water and Sediment Mixtures. (2011). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  13. Assessment of Impacts of Hydropeaking on Macrozoobenthos of Litzauer Schleife on the River Lech Using Habitat Modeling Approach. (2011). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  14. Simulation of Morphodynamic Processes invoked by an artificial flood using the 3D-sediment transport model SSIIM2. (2011). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  15. Modeling of Water Allocation in the Aquaculture Integrated with Small-Scale Irrigation in Chinyanja Triangle: Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia (A Case Study of Malawi). (2011). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  16. Optimierte Renaturierungsplanungen am Beispiel der Murg im Bereich Rastatt. (2011). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  17. Irrigation Efficiency - A Case Study within the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia. (2011). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  18. Die Hydromorphologie in der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. (2011). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  19. Projektierung einer Niederdruck-Wasserkraftanlage am oberen Sambesi, Afrika. (2010). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  20. Design of Hydropower Location: Enzklösterle from Feasibility to DPR. (2010). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  21. Na Son - Micro Hydro Power Refurnishment. (2009). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  22. Design of a drip irrigation system for a fruit farming area near Lake Constance in the context of climate change. (2009). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  23. Design optimization using CFD and a statistical-mathematical algorithm. (2009). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  24. Peak Flow Attention Using On Site Detention at Permatang Rawa River Basin, Penang, Malaysia. (2007). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  25. Construction Management at the Panama Canal Expansion. (2007). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  26. Application, Validation and Optimization of modelling approaches for the implementation of morphodynamic processes in habitat modelling. (2005). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  27. Flood risk and sustainable planning: comparison between the flood risk analysis and management of the Odra and Tuxpan river basins. (2005). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  28. Socioeconomic evaluation of Taihu basin flood prevention project, China. (2005). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  29. Transport of Bed Load in Streams - Realization, Extendibility & Limitations in Mike 11 Computer Program. (2005). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  30. Determination of Characteristic Quantity of Sediment Samples. (2004). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  31. Ansatz zur Erfassung morphologischer Prozesse für die Habitatmodellierung auf Grundlage hydraulischer Modellierung. (2004). (Diplomarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.
  32. MesoHabitat Modelling for Fish: Application and Comparison of Different Approaches. (2004). (Masterarbeit). Universität Stuttgart.

Current research projects



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